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Chicken and egg – or - birth and death cycles:

The upper-level – lower-level relations are best explained in the chicken and egg cycles. Why are chickens laying always eggs and the eggs are developing continuously into chickens? And which one has started this game and why this cycle continue? In other words: Why is life based on birth- and death-cycles?
Physical-biological-geologic-palaeontological data combinations give the answer to this question. As shown in the paragraphs above, we are living in a continuously changing universe, and the changeovers are set by probabilistic rules and calculations carried out by the components themselves (Feynman 1985, Haken 2000). That means: The owners of our universe are their components, i.e. the subatomic components. They are not dead objects, as most of us might assume, but very agile basic components of our nature, monitoring their environment continuously and behaving accordingly.
This is shown evidently by the following facts:
1-The integrative and exponential nature of information development necessitate its origin to be of subatomic components;
2- Physical experiments ascribe conscious aspects to the subatomic components, as shown in physical experiments.
3-“Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment” carried out by Jacques et. al. 2007, show clearly that subatomic components are monitoring their environmental conditions continuously and behave accordingly. This behaviour is a requisite to be accepted as a clear sign of basic consciousness.
4- Quantum physical experiments show that quanta like electrons have a memory for the actions in their past cycles (Berry 1984, Yasuhara et al.2005, Leek et al. 2007.As stated by Johnston 2007: “If a particle such as a stone undergoes a cyclic process – it is heated slightly and then cooled to its original temperature, for example – there is no way of telling from the cooled stone how it was heated, or even if it was heated at all. However, the same does not apply to quantum particles such as electrons, which retain some “memory” of the path taken in a cyclic process. This memory is in the form of a difference in phase between the initial and final quantum states and was first proposed by Michael Berry in 1984.”
5- Some mathematic-physicists  claims already that: “the consequences of quantum computation and decoherence, leading to the argument that the border between the living and the non-living must be revised, and that quantum computation implies that a quantum system can already be considered as a living, individuated structure” (Gonçalves 2007).
6- When we try to transmit oral information to someone else, we choose rather intelligent courier; a dull person can’t transmit a message appropriately. In electronic communication, we use electrons or photons as carrier of information.  If they were dead and dull objects, how could they transmit the very complex information we impose them.
That why, all beings are aware of this continuous changeover-system in nature, imposing to monitor the changeovers in their environment and adjust themselves accordingly, being manifested as birth and death cycles.

The Evaluation of the Environmental Situations from the Viewpoints of Chicken And Egg

The simplest way to understand the basic relations between smaller and bigger systems is the solution of the chicken and egg cycles.
Considering the basic information cited above, we must assume that all life beings must be in continuous alert to follow the changeovers around themselves. Now let us see the situation from the viewpoints of chicken and egg system. They are aware of the fact that all things are in a continuous changeover. So they monitor and record the changeovers in their environment and adjust themselves accordingly.
A chick begins to interfere with its environment starting with its hatching. It tries to collect information with its sensory organs about the objects and facts in its living environment. Those data could not be the same, as that of its ancestors, because in this time interval, small or great changes are surely carried out in the environment. Those data are transmitted to the information processing cells of the brain and an appropriate behaviour is determined. This is the information potential of chicken, consisting of contemporary data about the living environment. This information is stored in intercellular network. That is a very important distinction: Information relating the behaviour of a chicken is stored inintercellular network-system, and not in intracellular network of cells. Therefore, chicken-information gets lost when chicken die away.
The egg stores all the other information about the chicken: how to construct a chicken, how long it should live, how to process and store the information about chicken’s environment, how to digest the foods, how and when to reproduce new models of a chick, etc. These information are stored in the intracellular network of a single cell, therefore, they are transmitted throughout generations.
Consequently, it is the egg who decide about the destiny of the chicken. Because it knows exactly, that the environmental conditions will surely change, it construct only provisional body models, with just enough life-span that they die away after this period, so that the next model with more appropriate accommodations to environmental changeovers can be constructed. And so on! It should be foolish and irrational to build ever-lasting models, because they could not accommodate to the continuous changeovers of the environment.
Information potential of eggs comprise all information over major changeovers in the developmental history of chickens, comprising ca. 3.5 billions years of experiences. They are stored in cells structures and textures, including membrane proteins, cytoplasm and  chromosomal structures within the nucleus and handed down to the next generations. Because there is changeovers expected in the environmental conditions always and new bodies are to design to adapt to these new changeover products, chickens are produced only for a limited time-span.

Figure 9: Chicken & egg cycles in natural developments with information flow to “ever lower levels”

Shortly, in eggs is stored information about the long-term changeovers, accumulated in the 3.5 billions years of cell-history, whereas in chicken, only the information for the present-time situations are stored and processed. Therefore, chickens and eggs are mutually dependent on each other; but in the long run, eggs are the dominant part of the system and they determine the future of the life-development, because they have the most important information data about their past developmental stages.

There is an arrow in the development of natural system. It starts with subatomic particles and develops into ever growing systems. Because information is growing exponentially and is dependent on previous steps, a continuous feedback is unavoidable between the bigger and smaller systems. Therefore chickens transfer their observations to their eggs, so that they can adapt their evaluation systems to the new conditions.

 Encoder-Decoder Systems Between Chicken and Egg- Cycles

As revealed by animal experiments, the information gathered from the sensory organs outside of the body are processed by the cells of the nervous system. If they are new, new synapses and new proteins are constructed for encoding these information (Kandel 2001); that means, these sensory information is stored and catalogued as new ones in genetic codes, written with 4 basic nucleotides: (A)denine, (T)hymine, (G)uanine and (C)ytosine. This information exchange system can be called as encoder-decoder system between eggs and chickens. There exists a continuous information flow from the chicken to the egg. All changeovers in the environments of the chicken are translated to the information-processing system of the egg, i.e. in the genetic code. This evaluation is very important, and then it means that the main information-processor lies at the site of eggs, not at chickens! This dependency system can be called “dependency on its components” and is known as instinctive behaviour in human tradition.
All our actions are guided by our cells; these are our cells that store the huge information how to construct and maintain the order of our bodies. Cells are very dense packs of information gathered and stored during billions of years of tiresome efforts to monitor the changeovers around them. What change occurred first and what one followed them; in which order they follow each other; what must occurs first and what has to follow to get to this or to that results; who or what depends on others; etc. This kind of information storage are inherent in all beings and their information is stored in the material structure and composition of beings (Kandel 2001). When something is learned, new synapses are constructed between the appropriate nerve cells, and a new type of protein is synthesized enabling the appropriate signal transfer between ligands and receptors, representing the new information. In this operation, the existing amino-acids in our bodies get re-organized, creating a new structure being able to resonate with signal received. Therefore, beings are changing their composition and structure according to their environments. That is the reason that a term “quorum sensing” was coined, to catch the attention that an organism is able to sense all factors for its basic existence and grow there. Cells are aware of the fact that they are living in a continuously changing and transforming nature. To make their offspring adaptable to their new environmental conditions, the offsprings are outfitted with mirror-cells (Rizzolatti et al.2001), copying the habits (behaviour etc.) of their parents and their society, to make full usage of the information potential of their ancestors. That is the reason why a chick hatchelled from its egg, accepts the first moving object around itself as its closest relative. (The enslaving of different animals is fulfilled in the same manner.) Information (necessary for decision or organization) is gathered by sensory organs. If the data gathered by sensory organs are not appropriate to the realities of the living environments, the evaluation-system-construction (networking) of cells in our bodies will be inevitably defective! If some of the behaviours of our ancestors are faulty, their descendants automatically copy them and this fault turns into a social illness. That is the problem of our societies. Because our cells control our behaviours, and they determine this control in accordance to data we deliver them with our sensory organs, we humans are wholly responsible for the appropriateness of their evaluations systems.
There must exist a continuous information flow and encoder-decoder system in descending order, from humans to sub-atomic-particles. We see and evaluate our environments with photons reflected from the surface atoms of matters. The photons are not reflected like balls on a billiard table; they get first absorbed by the atoms of matters; the electrons of the atoms make swings around the nucleus; the nucleons get aware of the arrival of a specific kind of photons; and afterwards the atom sends an other photon, with similar information potential, but with the signature of the atom or molecule (Feynman 1961, 1985). If the reflected photons were the same as the incoming photons, matters could not interfere with each others, or we (or other beings) could not distinguish the different matters (Wolff  1995, 2008).

When we consider societies as chicken, then humans correspond to eggs;
When we consider humans as chicken, then cells correspond to eggs;
When we consider cells as chicken, then molecules correspond to eggs;
When we consider molecules as chicken, then atoms correspond to eggs;
When we consider atoms as chicken, then sub-atomic-particles correspond to eggs;

Therefore, birth and death and other kinds of ecological interactions among organic and inorganic systems are necessary steps for maintaining this information-flow and encoder-decoder system.
At first sight, it seems unrealistic that bigger systems get controlled and directed by its smaller components. But the natural system functions differently. The interactions governing our living nature are electro-magnetic interactions. Here, the first step of interaction is initiated by photons. Their signals stimulate the electrons around atoms or molecules and the stimulated electrons change their orbital around the molecules. This change in electron’s orbital lets molecules vibrate; the vibrations of molecules against each-other creates other kind of interaction modes like pressure, temperature, etc. In restricted, closed or semi-closed systems, variations in pressure, temperature, odour, salinity, etc. lead to the development of other kinds of interactions. An avalanche system is created in this manner, resulting in an integrative development of interaction systems, which is summarised as “information and self-organisation” in synergetics.
In this manner environmental changeovers gathered at upper-levels are transmitted to lower-levels, and lower-levels re-organize the upper-levels according to these changeovers! All natural events are developed in this manner.

Time development is anisotropic as shown in the chapter 1 above. Therefore, each signal (photon) emitted from an object ( be it a molecule or a cell) is different from the photons emitted in a previous day. Each day or year new beings are developed, and others are disintegrated. Therefore, photon (signal or information) exchange between matters must undergo changes too; and those changes must go until to the sub-atomic domains. “Pair building and pair annihilation” processes encountered in laboratory experiments (Feynman 1961, 1985, Martin 2006) should be seen as information-adjustments between past and present.
The ultimate data storage units are quanta, as evidenced by quantum physical experiments. A term “Berry’s phase” was coined to indicate that sub-atomic particles have memories concerning their past life cycles (Leek et al 2007). Therefore, birth and death and other kinds of ecological interactions among organic and inorganic systems are necessary steps for maintaining this information-flow and encoder-decoder system.
In this manner environmental changeovers gathered at upper-levels are transmitted to lower-levels, and lower-levels re-organize the upper-levels according to these changeovers. All natural events are developed in this manner.
Mutation are changes of   (A)denine - (T)hymine, (G)uanine - (C)ytosine base pairs. A-T pair has 2 hydrogen bond; G-C has 3 hydrogen bond. When we compare these two base pairs, we see that there is only a small difference between two pairs. It consist of:  CH3 versus NH2. When 2H are subtracted from both sides, there remains CH versus N.

Figure 10: Adenine-Thymine and Guanine-Cytosine bonds

There exist quantum mechanical transformations between N and C atoms (Dawson & Brooks 2001, Martin 2006) as shown in the equations below :
1n + 14N → 14C + 1H       (1)
                           14C ®14N +e-  + ύe              (2)
Further more, quantum tunnelling of protons and electrons is a widespread occurrence in physics and biology (Kohen & Klinman 1999). Hence mutations can be seen as quantum mechanical phenomena depending on the energy conditions in the environment; and “the environment somehow be selectively driving evolution and … evolution, at least at the molecular level, is more Lamarckian than it is Darwinian” Goel 2008, p108). 

Figure 11: Isotopes of Nitrogen and Carbon atoms. (From Dawson & Brooks 2001)

On figure 11 we can see the isotopes of N and C atoms. Stable isotopes are shown in dark shading. Unstable isotopes are decaying into diagonally positioned stable isotopes. That means: 14C decay by beta emission into 14N;  and 13N decay by positron emission into 13C.
McFadden (2003, p 240) writes: “It has been more than 50 years since Erwin Schrödinger made the startling proposal that life is based on quantum-mechanical principles. Yet most of his arguments remain valid today. Schrödinger pointed out that classical laws are all statistical, true for collections of billions of atoms or molecules but invalid at the level of individual particles. Life, he argued, was based on the dynamics of individual particles and thereby subject to quantum laws.
This was a remarkable prediction in 1944, when the inside of the cell was generally considered to be amorphous kind of jelly called protoplasm. But as molecular biologists have delved deeper into the workings of cells they have uncovered structure at all levels. The DNA double helix is only two nanometres (millionths of a millimetre) wide - not far above the atomic scale - and, along with proteins and other cellular constituents, has structure at less than one-tenth this size. Dynamics in these biomolecules is all about the motion of individual particles. Consider the enzymatic rotary engine, F1-ATPase, that makes ATP (the cell's chemical fuel). This tiny biological device is just ten nanometres across. The enzyme sits in the cell membrane where its rotation is driven by flow of protons through a central pore. But how rotary motion at these scales is converted into chemical energy is a mystery. Quantum dynamics are certainly involved.
Quantum tunnelling is thought to be involved in a wide range of biochemical processes including photosynthesis, respiration, mutation, and protein folding. For instance, enzymes that establish the proton gradient that drives the F1-ATPase are thought to use electron tunnelling to connect the proton transport process to proteins of the respiratory chain. Indeed both electron and proton tunnelling are considered by many to be the missing ingredients that account for the ability of enzymes to massively accelerate chemical reactions. Quantum tunnelling may also be involved in protein folding, the process by which a protein molecule searches through billions of possible structures to find its active form. And quantum tunnelling may be fundamental to the evolution of life on Earth. Watson and Crick first suggested that DNA base tautomerization - a chemical euphemism for proton tunnelling - within the double helix is responsible for mutations. This mechanism has been further explored by myself and Jim AI-Khalili to propose that quantum coherence may play a role in certain types of mutation.
The living cell is nature's nanotechnology. Just as engineers and physicists working at the nano-scale level must include and exploit quantum mechanics in their models, so evolution over three billion years must have incorporated quantum dynamics. Quantum mechanics is likely to be as fundamental to life as water. Indeed, recent experiments and simulations indicate that protons involved in hydrogen bonding in water are highly delocalized (that is, in a superposition of being in two separated locations). Hydrogen bonding is probably the most fundamental biochemical interaction, involved in DNA base-pairing, enzyme catalysis, protein folding, respiration, and photosynthesis. If quantum delocalization lies at the heart of this phenomenon then it is central to life. Indeed, several researchers (including myself and Paul Davies) have proposed that quantum mechanics may account for that ultimate of biological mysteries: the origin of life itself.”

To continue:

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