
“Dynamical Organisation Mechanism”, abbreviated as DOM

People always had wondered how the formation and development of nature was and formed ideas about it.
Eg.: For the first time, was chicken hatched from the egg, or was egg spawned from chicken?
Do small systems create larger systems or do larger systems create small systems?
People always thought that large systems  will create small systems. This thought still prevails among humanity.
The moving factor in this or that direction is called force.  The source of this force-factor has been ascribed to an external being above all beings in nature by our ancestors.

Time-Information & Consciousness relations
Humans want information, about the world and the universe. Where are we coming and where are we heading?
There is an ever growing evolutionary trend in nature, starting from the subatomic-units. These lowermost subatomic units, continue to exist in upper systems such as atoms, molecules, cells, bodies, to be more comfortable and having longer lasting life-periods. Every system must have a life period, because if it remains constant-unchanged, the energy-transfer system in nature is paralyzed. Think, nothing changes, you don't move; There is no movement in the cells within your body; atoms are not vibrating; The world doesn't revolve; The planets around the sun are not spinning, so everything in nature is frozen. Then neither day nor month nor year develops. No living units like cells develops in your bodies. So what we call time is, a turnover of atoms or sub-atomic-units, occuring when there are changes and transformations. So every asset has to have a life. The power system that we call creator in nature must be in constant turnover, change-over, transformation; not a fixed eternally existing object, and the creativity in nature must have a quantum origin. Therefore, the creation must have started with sub-atomic-units and continued with atoms, molecules, cells, etc; each of these upper-system units get decomposed after a distinct life-period into their constructing sub-components.

To get an explanation to these complex and confusing problems, we have to reconstruct our past.
How can the past be reconstructed?
• By determining the sequential occurrence of  order in which the assets came into being!
How can this be done?
• Using the science called geology! That is: The land is constantly eroded and the worn out materials are transported by the rivers to the sea and stored in the sea. Among these materials carried on the seas, there are also the substances present on the earth at that moment. For example, objects such as today's plastic materials, spoons, knives, etc. are intermingled between muds carried to the sea today. There would be no such materials in the layers formed a few thousand years ago, because at that time the production of these materials was unknown and did not exist. The layers in the sea stack up in beds, like the pages of a book; the older one at the bottom, the younger one above it. By using this method, the history of our world can be determined. Now let's design our past by looking at the records obtained with this method. (More information on this subject is in the article "Nature is alive" )
1- We have tools such as mobile phones, airplanes, computers, horse-carts, spears, all of them are the results of HUMAN KNOWLEDGE;
2- there are also multi-celled organisms like sheep, mouse, mammals, birds, plants, fishes, insects, corals, snails; all of them are the results of different GENETIC INFORMATIONS;
3- In addition to these, there are nucleated single-celled creatures such as amoeba and euglena;
4- as well as seedless single-celled organisms like bacteria;
5- In addition, there are inorganic molecules such as quartz, mica, feldspar;
6 - as well as chemical elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, iron, hydrogen, helium;
7 - In addition, there are subatomic things like proton, neutron, electron.

Now let's go back to the past, and see what will change:
a- When we go back 100 years, "mobile-phones, planes, computers"; when we go back 10 thousand years, horse-carts; when we go back 50 thousand years, "spear, arrow" disappear; THE INFORMATION THAT WILL CREATE THEMS has not yet occurred;
b- When we go back 300 million years, "sheep, cows, mice, birds, lizards, etc. They are disappearing, the Knowledge to create them is not yet established;
c- When we go back 600 million years, animals such as plants, fishes, insects, corals, lizards, snails disappear and the knowledge to construct them is not yet established;
d- When we go back 2.5 billion years, the eukaryotic single cells such as amoeba and euglena disappear too, and the Knowledge to construct them is not yet established;
e - When we go back 4 billion years, prokaryotic organisms such as "bacteria" are also disappearing, the information that will form them is not yet established;
f- When we go back 5 billion years, the molecules that make up our earth are also destroyed and decomposed into its components. Without knowledge to construct molecules, matter cannot be created.
To get information for more earlier periods, we needs astro-physical data. They show:
• g- The time between 5 billion years and the beginning of our universe is spent with galaxy and star formations. Stars are nuclear environments in which chemical elements called atoms are synthesized. Therefore, basic chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon, iron cannot be formed without atomic information, and molecules (minerals such as water, mica, quartz, feldspar) cannot be formed without chemical elements. For that reason, the Knowledge to create them in the period of 5 billion years ago has not yet established;
• h- When you go to the beginning of our universe (which is not known exactly), there is no "basic matter such as protons, neutrons, electrons", that is, they are separated into their components. And everything is transformed into the most basic components, energy-realm, consisting of sub-atomic elements.
Hence: Time develops as result of changes in chemical compositions and chemical compositions are constructed according to information gathering about the environmental changes.
The most amazing fact about time is the relation of life-spans with time. Life spans are durations of existence of any matter: And these durations are steps of time in earth history.

Let us take a short break now and consider the issue of size between the world of matter (molecules) and the world of atoms (nucleons). There is a very huge gap between the size of molecules and the size of nucleons. Molecules have sizes in nano-meter-scale (10-9 m), but nucleons size range in femto-meter scale (10-15m).  There is a million-fold difference.  
Molecules are held together with the aids of electrons, shared with different atomic nuclei. If matter (molecules) in nature was converted to sub-atomic-units, there must have been a very huge contraction in the size of nature. When you consider that this shrinkage occurred in all atoms of universe (1080), the contraction must be immense! Hence, at the begin of our universe, when all matters were converted to sub-atomic units (energy), our universe must be in a very condensed plasma state.
This condensed plasma state consists of sub-atomic-energy packs, being very mobile, oscillating, vibrating. Tendency to relaxation let them to combine in composite units like nucleons, being a  result of strong-force interaction. Nucleons are still too vagile and further relaxation-tendency force them to combine in bigger units like molecules, being a  result of electro-magnetic-force interactions. The result is an enormous rate of inflation in volume of the universe.
The scientific date given above give a different  explanation about the development of universe, quite different from the common Big-Bang view. Which one is more plausible? The future researches will at will be    
Can you now evaluate the assumed first expansion of universe at its begin, giving to the development of cosmic microwave background radiation?

All these topics are discussed and evaluated in my blogs at:   

Why this erroneous assumption of physicists?
And a few more questions like the following ones:
• Question-2:  All physicists, philosophers, including Newton, Einstein, Dirac, Bohr, and Feynman, etc., how did they perceive the concept of TIME?
• Answer: As an eternality, linked to the eternality of supreme power (God, or natural selectors), having no beginning and no end.
• Question-3: Was it known that a factor called Knowledge and Consciousness influenced the formation of nature?
•Answer is no. It was believed that events were directed by a supernatural power system.
• Final question: Why have scientists make such a great mistake about these fundamental topics?
We will try to explain briefly the reason for this basic misunderstanding of nature.

Mentality or perception determines the behaviour of persons.
Now let's see how the "mentality or perception " is formed:
It has two components:
The first is consciousness, dealing and containing our wishes, expectations, and evaluations at the moment we live in.

The second is sub- consciousness:
From the moment we are settled in the mother's womb and during the first 6 years of our childhood, the behaviours, traditions and customs of the people in our surroundings are copied an written to the synaptic relations. These are behaviours incorporated into automatic circuits. If an elephant is accustomed to be tied to the chain with his foot when he is young, this behaviour is copied into the subconscious system and the elephant then continues to live in accordance with this copied condition. People copy the behaviour of people in their surroundings exactly in the same way, until they get 6-7 years old. When they grow up, they live in accordance with these conditions as have been copied.

If 3 or4 different languages are spoken around, they copy the languages so that they can speak them fluently and accent-free. They also copy the behaviour of the people around themselves. Subconscious-system is the copied state of other people's thoughts and behaviours. İf the tradition of people are faulty, the subconscious-system of children will be faulty too, they have no influence to make any corrections. This vicious cycle continues as the people in the vicinity are also programmed-conditioned according to the information copied from the older generations. Persons are obliged to act under the influence of these copied behaviours, programmed to behave according them.
The greatest part of subconsciousness consists of behaviours which was incorporated into traditions and customs of  our ancestors. Most of our brain is devoted to them. They consist of subconscious, auto-motivated behaviours. Starting from scratch and learning everything new and  again, requires a lot of time and effort. For this reason, continuously repeated behaviours are transferred to automatic cycles. In the "information-based" formation and development system, summarized as "information & self-organization", it is a basic principle to copy previously acquired and repeated behaviours to future generations. As a matter of fact, the new science called epigenetic is the application of this basic principle. (The epigenetic theme will be processed in a later section)
If a behaviour (driving a car or bicycle) is frequently repeated, those behaviours are linked and connected to an automatic cycle too and transferred to the subconscious system. In other words, subconsciousness are a collection of automated behaviours.
The impact of these two different factors on human life is as follows: Consciousness is 5% or less, subconsciousness is 95% or more! (Lipton 2008).
The conclusion: Our behaviours are controlled by "copied" information, and the copied information are inherited from our parents, conveyed by traditions.
And what are the “he traditional knowledge about the nature”?

         1)- Our ancestors assumed the vitality factor outside of their bodies. The energy-giving, energy-providing factor was assumed not in the inner components of beings, but in an outside system, called creator or natural selector.
         2)- The traditional view is:
         a supernatural system creates, influences and directs the beings,
         natural laws are formed by this supernatural power system,
         all beings obey the laws of nature like robots, having no consciousness,
         Since it is assumed that everything in the nature is connected and dependent to a super-supernatural power outside of their bodies, this supernatural system must have an eternal life. Since this power system is regarded as eternal, constant, invariant, it must be an unchangeable – constant power: therefore, a STATIC SYSTEM.
         3)- Time concept of our ancestors and of the physicists (and other scientists) is linked to the eternality of supernatural being, or natural selectors, having no beginning and no end. This super-natural-being gave tic-tac signals and all phenomena develops according to those signals.
         4)-All elements are created at the begin of our universe in their appropriate rates and conversion of one elements to another one is impossible (Lavoisier-law): "in chemical reactions, atoms cannot be created or destroyed”.  That means: K(potassium) could not be converted to Ca(Calcium), or Na(sodium) cannot be converted to K, etc.

For thousands of years, humanity has staked a static systematic view of nature, in which all the achievements in nature are formed and developed by a supreme power system.

I will now give an example of my own life, how a traditional view influenced my behaviour. I am a professor of geology. As a geological teacher, I taught my students for many years, that granitic rocks were the result of differentiation of a basaltic magma. Because Lavoisier's law stated, that chemical elements cannot be transformed into each other. Since an element such as sodium could not form potassium by combining with oxygen, the potassium increase in the granitic rocks could only be achieved by differentiation of a basic magma. But Kervran (1973, 1982) pointed out, that granites cannot be differentiation products of a basic magma, because they are surrounded always by metamorphic rocs, and not by gabbros. Kervran's publications have been suppressed by traditionally influenced scientific world until 2010s, and I get aware of it so late. Since than  I am trying to convey these revision attempts to my colleagues around the world to make the necessary warnings. In this context, I would like to point out that I am deeply sorry to apologize to all of my former students for the wrong system of granite formation.

As shown above, CONSCIOUS behaviour is necessary, to avoid the faults in our traditions.  People must accept no judgments or teachings without question, or they can never get rid of false information and traditions. The view that we live in a static system is the most misguided traditional view, because it requires an organization from top to bottom. From-top-to-bottom organisations are the source of all our social problems:
 The reason behind so many faulty scientific conclusions, is to search at the dogmas in the traditions of scientists.

Now let us make a test to determine the behaviour of  physically educated people, and ask them the following question:

"We live in a dynamic nature, changing and transforming continuously. Do these changes and modifications have a direction? Where do we go to?"

From physically educated people you get the following answer:
First Law of thermodynamics: the amount of energy and mass (matter) in the universe is constant.

The second law of thermodynamics is as follows: Energy is needed to make any work, or action (production, growth, repair, etc.). When energy is used for a purpose, some of this energy is wasted as non-usable energy. For this reason, the amount of usable energy in nature will decrease over time, and the useless energy will increase. This means that there will be a trend towards entropy-increase in nature, given that the amount of energy and mass in the environment is constant. In other words, according to physicists, the end of the universe is a chaotic one.
Now let us change the question: If the second law of thermodynamics shows that everything in the nature is going to disintegrate over time, then there must be a tremendous order at the begin of our universe, much more then we have at the moment.
The history of our nature and our world has been summarized above, and it shows an evolution from simpler to more complex systems. A progression towards constantly more sophisticated and advanced super-systems (ie advanced, more orderly). And those achievements are fulfilled with the aid of information.

Are these natural facts wrong? Or are the assumptions of physicists wrong?
Yes, there is a big blunder:  PHYSICIANS THINKs  IN THE STATIC SYSTEM.

We know that our nature is constructed of molecules, and molecules are constructed from atoms, and atoms are constructed from sub-atomic-units, called quanta. Our world is developed in this manner, i.e. in bottom- up structures.
Everything in nature occurs in egg-chicken relation, or bottom-system - Top-system relations. The bottom-system is the most fundamental element of vitality. Subunits of the quanta form sub-atomic entities, their associations constitute the atoms, and atoms merges to molecules, and so develop all the more complex,  ever-evolving super-systems. The reason for continuously joining in new top systems is that the energy is used more ergonomically (Chaisson relationship). This results in an integrated system that is dependent on each other. The dynamic systems physics show that everything in the nature is related to each other, in lower- upper level systems. Upper levels are dependent on lower-level systems.
Those dependency rules are worked out by Feibleman (1954) under the heading "Theory of Integrative Levels" and specify the main rules covering of "sub-level -upper-level system" relations. The most important principle among them is: In any organisation the higher level depends upon the lower, the lower level is directed by the higher. For an organisation at any given level, its mechanism lies at the level below and its purpose at the level above.
There is an ever growing evolutionary trend in nature, starting from the subatomic-units. These lowermost subatomic units, continue to exist in upper systems such as atoms, molecules, cells, bodies, to be more comfortable and having longer lasting life-periods. Every system must have a life period, because if it remains constant-unchanged, the energy-transfer system in nature is paralyzed. Think, nothing changes, you don't move; There is no movement in the cells within your body; atoms are not vibrating; The world doesn't revolve; The planets around the sun are not spinning, so everything in nature is frozen. Then neither day nor month nor year develops. No living units like cells develops in your bodies. So what we call time is, a turnover of atoms or sub-atomic-units, occuring when there are changes and transformations. So every asset has to have a life. The power system that we call creator in nature must be in constant turnover, change-over, transformation; not a fixed eternally existing object, and the creativity in nature must have a quantum origin. Therefore, the creation must have started with sub-atomic-units and continued with atoms, molecules, cells, etc; each of these upper-system units get decomposed after a distinct life-period into their constructing sub-components.
 Time develops as result of changes in chemical compositions and chemical compositions are constructed according to information gathering about the environmental changes.

 State managers of our days say to people: The impressive-steering power system is an invisible supreme power outside of your bodies. Leaders representing this supreme power-system will also guide you! (This system is called STATIC SYSTEM.)

People's social life starts with such a false information about the nature, and the first city-states are established about 5 to 6 thousand years ago in Ur, Uruk, Eridu, etc in accord to this false statement. State ownership and management belongs to the kingdom, which was regarded as sacred person. People works as servant-slave of their lords in their lands. Most of the yields go to lord, while the people have to live with the rest. The economic power of the king get ever-growing  by the products of the people in the land. So was laid the fundaments of the capitalist system. Again, according to the static systematic view of life, to every nation (state) is sent a sacred message (called Me) in their own tongues (with a prophet), and the people are taught that they have to behave according to this sacred message.

People begins to be trained with a false vision of life. They give their labour product free of charge to the rulers. That mean: they leave the "money" factor that will enslave him to the rulers. And the self-slavery edict is approved. This is the consequence of a faulty life assumption, called static system which still dominate in our days, although with some disguise. 
In other words, the creation of a real society is entirely up to people's initiative. However, people cannot form a society because they are zombified with a very faulty vision of life, called static system.
For this reason, it is necessary to try to publicize the basic information on how to organize our society's lives. The term DOM is abbreviation of Dynamical Organisation Mechanism in nature. Therefore, there is no other solution of humanitarian problems, apart from DOM. Everyone is responsible with announcing that the ownership of the society should be in hands of the people at bottom, not a minority coterie on the top. There is no way out.
Everything consists of electrons, protons, neutrons and their sub-units, called subatomic elements. Physicists call them particles, but it is inappropriate, because they are continuously in motion, and they have a very short existing period, after this period they are lost and reappear as another unit, again in motion but with other peculiarities.  That why they must be considered as living elements.
They have the following characteristics, that let us assume that they are living units:

1.                  The quanta do not act randomly, they determine themselves where they have to go. Which target will be chosen?
2.                  The target will be determined by a probability calculation, involving a counting process of their oscillation steps (called wave-length) to the target.   How many targets are there to measure in the vicinity?
3.                  In their headway process they must turn either left or right. Which one to prefer? They must determine this preference.
4.                  The plane of oscillation may have any value between 0-360. Which degree of oscillation plane is appropriate?
5.                  If there is an obstacle to overcome in front of them to reach the designated destination, they benefit from a factor called "tunneling". Where to get this energy to overcame the obstacle?.
6.                  They can "communicate" with each other, balancing the energy-conservation on a universal scale. It is their duty to create knowledge of how many elements in the universe will be balanced.
7.                  Each of the energy sets of quanta has a different life-span. Some of them have duration of a billionth of a second, some have a life-span of a millionth of a second. After this short life-span, they extinguish, triggering the development of another occurrence.
8.                  They perceive all beings around them and determine their relationship with them based on their perspective. It is called the Observer EFFECT = Observer influence. They perform a task that is not easy, such as how to choose the best among the many competitors that will occur over time.
9.                  The Observer effect is the most important feature that allows the quanta to behave differently in different sizes.

When all those peculiarities of quanta are considered together, they have to be evaluated as living units.
When the movements of quanta are examined, it is noticed that they are in a periodic oscillating movement. Oscillations consists of alternation between positive and negative values.
In other words, the quantum realm consists of very mobile swinging units with very short life-spans. Which can be seen as Birth-Death cycles. Because their swinging-life periods (pi = π) are very short, they combine clusters like atoms, molecules, cells, bodies, creating longer lasting and less moving beings.
There is nothing solid, constant and unchanged in the quantum-world. There is a continuous turnover, transformation cycle. The atoms inside our cells are like boilers, and subatomic-units are constantly in motion in them.  They detect changes in the cell, body, or other environmental conditions and adjust themselves according to turnovers.
As seen, the elements of quantum world are living beings with cycles of birth and death. After every oscillation cycle, they are dying by triggering another oscillation, which can be considered as a rebirth. Therefore, they must be called kuantsal creatures. So, we are confronted with a very short-living and very dynamic life system.
How knowledgeable and conscious are the subatomic units?
Let's explain this issue with a physics experiment taken from Feynman (1985). As shown in the figure, an experiment is prepared. Two screens are placed behind the source (S).  A detector (D) is placed on the rear-wall. A hole in the (A) point is opened on the front screen. The size of the hole is adjusted so that when 100 item are sent from the source (S), only one item can be passed through the hole.

A second hole of the same size (B) is opened below the first hole. The size of the hole is adjusted so that, when the (A) hole is closed, only one of the 100 items sent from the source, should pass through the hole (B).

When both holes are held open together, a normal logic expect that of the 100 items sent from source, only 2 record signs should be recorded at the detector.

But that's not really the case. It is seen that the detector, which has previously recorded an element, does not perceive any elements at all (in the figure position shown (5)).

As the position of the detector is shifted, it is noticeable that detection starts again. For example, when the detector is at the position (1) it detects four item. But if it is shifted slowly, detection value decreases to 3, then 2, then 1 and then zero (0) at the position (2). (Always whole numbers, like 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0, but never 1.5 or 3.2 etc.)

When this change of detection-values are investigated and how they are established, following results reveals: it is revealed that the elements determine their behaviour by making a probability calculation.

When two options are placed in front of the quanta, they develop different results in accord to the target position:  At the position (2) of rear-wall representing the middle points corresponding to holes (A and B) a maximum value of 4 items is detected; this value decrease sideward until zero.

In the quantum systems, physicists talk about a wave of the units. This "wavelength" concept is not actually a wavelength, but the oscillation steps of the quantum elements. The quantum unit evaluate their surrounding by measuring them with these oscillating steps. There are two options in front of an element that wants to reach (D):

It will pass either through the hole (A), or (B). The element evaluates both options individually: e.g.: The unit begins to calculate the path SAD according to the oscillation step; 1 Step, 2 steps, 3, 4, 5, 6, step, etc. When it reaches its destination (D), it looks at the value of the oscillation value. Let's assume that it ended with a maximum (+ 1) value.

It now starts to calculate the other SBD path in the same way; Let's end with a minimum value of (-1). The element collects these two values: (+1) + (-1) = 0. Gets the square of zero: again zero.  And the element decides: in this case, reaching the target is of no use. None of the 100 items sent from (S) pass through the hole and (D) detector does not record any things.

Amazing! When the holes were open one by one, one could pass through each hole, now both of them are open, but nothing is going through the hole. How's that work?

Another measurement result may be so: The evaluation of (SAD) path gave the result (+ 1); the evaluation of (SBD) gave the result (+ 1) too;, (+1) + (+1) = 2. The square of 2 is taken: 4. In this case, 4 of the 100 items sent from (S) pass through the holes and the detector registers 4 elements. The holes are large enough to let pass only one element, but there are four items that pass through 2 holes.

Again very amazing! The number of items that could pass through a hole was one, how could they let pass 4 (four) elements instead of 2? What is the mystery behind this?

Here are the miraculous properties of the quantum units, acting according to their probability calculations.
The interesting aspect of probability-operations is at this point. When the normal value is assumed as 1, squares of values greater than 1 are getting greater, but squares of values less than 1 are getting ever smaller. . e.g.:  square of 1.5 = 2.25 gives a growing value, but square of 0.5 = 0.25, a shrinking value.
All events and transactions in nature are made according to the result of such a probabilistic calculation. So, why are the elements changing behaviour?
Because they are living and conscious beings: If there is only one slit open, they have no choice, and they accept what is offered. But when to slits are open, they are offered choices; and it selects the suitable positions by making a probability calculation.
The organizing, order building systems in nature are always the lower-level systems. Upper-level show a target, But the lower-level systems give the decision whether to go to that goal or not. It is very important to create an opinion on this issue in terms of whether the order-giving-power (decision making power) lie on lower-levels or upper-levels.
Two points should be highlighted here:
The first point is:
The quantum world consists of fully living, full-featured beings, they cannot be half or in splitted amonts..  In other words, the detector never has a value of 1.5, either 1 or 2. This is a typical evidence that the quantum world are vibrating, flowing, living objects with fluid behavior.
The second point is that the elements of quantum world are behaving strictly consciously by making probabilistic calculations. This constitutes the source of the dispute between the Copenhagen commentators and the traditional deterministic physicists. Einstein's saying "God does not throw dice" is caused by classical physicists biblical prejudices, where creativity in nature is not in the intrinsic constituents of beings, but in a power system outside of beings. So traditions and customs have conditioned our subconscious, so that even physicists like Einstein, Schrödinger could not accept the conscious behaviour of subatomic elements enabling them to make probabilistic calculations.  Unfortunately, nowadays, most physicists still behave in this direction.
As can be seen, the elements of the quantum world have birth-death cycles, they evaluate their surroundings by making probabilistic calculations, they are conscious and living entities behaving in concordance with reasonings. After every oscillation cycle (a short life span) they are reborn. Therefore, they must be called quantum creatures.
The concept of time is a cycle of transformation that begins and develops with the quantum  organism. As shown in the paragraphs above, quantum organisms are the starting point of the universal system.
As seen, "Time" is the story of the creation of the natural system; as it is demonstrated by the definition of time how nature is created and since God is defined as the creator of Nature; The concept of God must now understood,
In summary: Subatomic elements are very, very short-lived elements of vitality. In time scales of one billionths of seconds, they are born and die, reborn, etc.
Think of these very short-lived quantum creatures that are constantly in motion at the beginning of the Universal system! Very mobile, right-to-left, down-up, forward-backward. What should these quantum creatures in a continuous oscillation, vibration and interaction with the millions of other quantum  creatures in the vicinity, what should they make to get a more relaxed state?

To answer that, let's look at the behavior of people:
If people lived alone, they had to do every job on their own, and they wouldn't have time to scratch their heads. But they have reached a more relaxed level of life by creating partnerships, doing business and swapping their products. It is called the urge to relax and is present in all beings of nature.
Physico-chemical data show that subatomic-units used also the principle of relaxation, the very dynamic, very short-lived quantum world made cluster of sub-atomic-units first as protons and neutrons, than atoms, molecules, etc. constructing ever bigger and longer-lasting upper systems,
So far, traditional physicists have never used a parameter called "Knowledge, consciousness" in nature's formations, and they have always accepted knowledge and consciousness in a system outside of the beings. This is the greatest bad conditioning that has settled in the subconscious of the physicists and other scientists.
It can be seen, that the life of the quantum living beings is very difficult: continually making efforts and interactions with so much others, create new knowledge and organize it according to that information. If you were in their places, what would you do to get rid of such strenuous, moving transactions?
We humans have always the wish to live a longer; Isn't it a continuation that the quantum elements of our inner beings have progressed from short-lived to longevity?
Our ancestors, who were trying to create an opinion about nature, did not realize why life was seated on the cycle of birth-death, they did not realise that the natural system was based on change-transformation. There is nothing in nature that is constant, it is immutable, everything turns into each other in time. These transformations have a purpose: to create a system that lasts longer and more comfortable.
There is an evolutionary development, progress in nature.
At the center of human investigation lie the question about the birth and death relations. As seen, "Time" is the story of the creation of the natural system and how nature is created is demonstrated clearly at the pages above. Since God is defined as the creator of Nature; The concept of God must now fully understood,

The most fundamental quantum energy elements in nature constitute all matters in the universe, but not forever, only for a certain period of time. Because over time the level of "knowledge" will change and more ergonomic structures will emerge. Then, in such a way that the ergonomic structures will be developed, the elements allocated to the components, this new system will flow to the structure, poor structuring will be abandoned.

Now First, let us summarize what our ancestors thought  about this driving force system in nature.

The life-views of the prehistoric people was like that: A creator has knead  like dough and sculptured the figures of all beings. This shaping force is  described as "vis plastica = sculpturing force"  in philosophy books.
The Sumerians, the people who started the first socialization,  assumed the creation of the first humans as a statue of clay, formed by an extraordinary powerful and eternally living being, god, and God blows the spirit of vitality into the clay sculpture.
This kind of life-view of prehistoric times continued until our days. Aristotle had a great influence on the maintenance of this life-view over a such long time. 
According to Aristotle, all natural developments are achieved by a  sudden creation act, "generatio spontanea"; and this is done by an external creator, behaving like a sculptor forming a desired structure (vis plastica).
Aristotelian logic influenced the scientific community for a period of two thousand years. This influence was enforced by the Church.
 Newton, considered as the greatest scientist of our world, has the following life-view: (Opticks in 1704):
•         “God had created, in the beginning, the material particles, the forces between them, and the fundamental laws of motion. In this way, the whole universe was set in motion and it has continued to run ever since, like a machine, governed by immutable laws.

Even Newton has a view of the natural system stemming from 3-4 thousand years before. This basic approach is still continuing today.

As it turns out, our ancestors assumed that:
•i- All achievements in nature were generated by  a  suddenly  one-time process,
• ii- The constructing-power system that does this, must be an external and far bigger being than the created items self,
• iii- Because all beings are dependent on this creator, he must be eternally existent,
• iv-And time must be linked to the eternality of this creator.

This type of life-view is called as static view of nature.
Static view of nature require authoritarian leader like king or sultan in management of societies.
The states or societies are owned by king-leaders in static systems.  The organisation style of the society is from top to bottom.
In authoritarian systems king or sultans are the owner of states (or societies). People are educated in a manner, to obey blindly the rules set at the top. Citizens are unaware of their ownership of the society. Therefore people make faulty, defective products or works; harming the health of others and environments.    
Everyone suffers from those harmful actions, life get unbearable both for humans and other life-beings.
From top to bottom organized structure of social life is the source of all social problems as shown at following web-page:

2- The emergence and development of a dynamical view of the nature

2.1. The influence of geological science

The geological science, which was born in the 17th century and improved up to day, created doubts in the thoughts of statically thinking peoples. It showed:
i-                    That our world was not created by a suddenly one-time process, but developed like the skin-growth of an onion in a continuous manner.
ii-                  That the geography of our world is not fixed, it change continuously; land areas are torn away and sink below sea levels; sea bottoms get compressed like accordion and became high mountain ranges like Himalayans.
iii-                And all those processes took millions (or billions) of years to accomplish.

2.2. The influence of physical science

Nearly a century ago, Planck (1901) showed that, energy cannot be reduced to values as small as desired; it must have a limiting fixed value, called Planck constant and represented by symbol (h). This discovery gives rise to the development of quantum physics.
That the least energy amount in nature has a fixed value and all further energies consist of multiplications of this prime value, build the core of quantum physics. Further researches showed that this prime value (h) has very interesting peculiarities like:
•         When we define very simply “living objects as capable to move” and “life-less objects as non-capable to move”, than quantum objects like (h) and other subatomic-units like electron, proton or neutron, must be considered as “living”, because they make many billions movements per second and not randomly but with target-dependency.
•         Quantum objects control their environment continuously; if they detect something intending to get in contact with them, they behave according to its request;
•         If there is nothing to make a contact, they observe their environment and look for the most economic structures (minimum amplitude principle) and move down there.
•         They use their energy as constructive (+) or destructive (-), according to the results of a probability calculations, depending on their wave-lengths. 
•         Any change in their magnetic gradients give rise to the birth of another force, like electric gradient, and vice versa.
•         They choose the shortest path to reach the destination;
•          They use minimum time to reach the destination;
•          They are able to surmount enormous obstacles go to an more economic position (tunneling effect).
Features listed above are observed not only in photons like planck constant, but they are observed in sub-atomic units like protons, neutrons, electrons; end even by atoms.
Force are created by forming an energy gradient;  and energy gradients are formed by movements of sub-atomic-units into more suitable (economic) structures, therefore all kind of forces in nature are of subatomic origin.
All beings in nature are composed of atoms, and atoms have the extrordinary features mentioned above.

3.  One of the most basic principles of physics, Minimum Amplitude Principle (MAP), urge the atoms to move to the most suitable (economic) structures.

All atoms and their sub-atomic-constituents strive to detect and move to most economic structures. And that is a life process! The quantum world is a living system, because they have chicken and egg (or birth & death) cycles. In atomic nuclei neutrons get converted to protons, protons into neutrons; photons creates electron-positron pair and electron (positron) creates photons, etc.. So the atomic world exhibits a full life system.
The vitality of the atomic world continue his existence as small boiling cauldrons in the bigger structures of molecules, cells and other upper-level systems; then all bigger structures are consructed of atoms. In this manner a dynamic and integrative natural systems develops, through a selective movement of sub-atomic-units supporting the progression of better structures, and obstructing the less suitable ones. Hence everything depends on its components.
The governing rules of the integrative systems are summarized by Feibleman  (1954) in “Theory of Integrative Levels”. The most important ones of them are the followings:
►i- Complexity of the levels increases upward.
►ii- Each level organizes the level or levels below it plus one emergent quality.
►iii- In any organisation, the lower level is directed by the higher.
►iv- In any organisation, the higher level depends upon the lower.
►v- For an organisation at any given level, its mechanism lies at the level below and its purpose at the level above.
►vi- A disturbance introduced into an organisation at any one level reverberates at all the levels it covers.

The governing rules of dynamical systems are established by physicists and summarized briefly as “information & self-organisation” (Haken 1983, 2000).

The term “information” indicates the flow direction of energy. It is registered in the structure and composition of matters, because the sub-atomic-energy-carriers sense and flow to the best suited ones.  So every time a new entity is created in nature, each of the pre-existing assets detects the signal emitted by the new entity and enters into interaction with it.
Now let us look how this “info” develop and how the assets self-& re-organize in nature.
What happens when a dog encounters a new asset?
Dogs recognize assets mainly by their odours. With its nose it smells the asset and the sensory cells try to construct a molecule being able to resonate with the asset’s signals.
Because the subatomic-units, due to the basic rules of physics, survey all assets in nature to  promote the better structured ones, the atoms and molecules of dog’s sensory organs get alerted. They try to get information about the structure and texture of the new asset. To do this, they try to combine different molecules being able to get in resonance with the signals sent from the new asset.
When the synthesized  molecule is in resonance with the asset’s signals, this information get  transmitted to cells in the brain, letting them to create a new synapse, putting the new asset and the new protein in relation with each other.
In nature, the emergence of any new asset let other beings change their composition in order to get contact with new ones and that is information development.
During those processes, atoms of the cells change their
• polarizations (1),
• amplitudes (2),
• swing-steps (wave-lengths) (3)
• spins (4), etc..
 to make fine-adjustments  for accomplishment of the resonance effect.
Any new asset in nature, let all previously existing ones make a lot of physical and chemical changes in their compositional status. In this manner the information-factor get incorporated into the compositional status of beings.

To summarize: In nature there exist a dynamical system, starting with sub-
atomic-units and progressing with atoms, molecules, cells, animals, etc. into ever complicated structures.  And all these systems are constructed and administered by the subatomic world.
And in this manner, as the consequence of information & self-(re-) organization, a dynamical natural system develops.

4- Each being in nature use different tactics in order to get compatible with the newly developed assets in nature.

To increase their information capacity, human’s cells had a preferred to increase their interpretations abilities. 
► the area allocated to sensory organs is shown with brown,
► the area allocated to organs of motion in blue,
► the area allocated to interpretations is shown in white.

The size of each area correspond to number of cells; and number of cells are proportional to the ability in this aspect.
• A cat can jump more, see and smell better than humans, because its brain area relating to those talents is relatively bigger than that of humans.

• But a cat cannot produce so much imagination like humans, because this relevant brain area is very small, compared to that of humans.
But cells that constructed human bodies, invested more on the issue of interpretation, so that its  sniffing, jumping, vision, etc. capabilities are shrunken. Therefore the imagination of humans are enormously increased. For this reason, humans can produce thousands of different scenarios from a few data.
But:  Our primary target and mission is to generate ideas to solve  our problems. If the ideas we produce does not solve our problems, then they are absolutely worthless and insignificant.  

Everything depend  on the subject of "ownership".
► If you attribute the ownership of nature to an imaginary lord at the top of all subjects of the nature,  then you deserve to be guided like a flock of sheep.
► If you attribute the ownership of nature to the components of nature, with its most basic quantum domain being the source of all energies, then you accept all beings of nature as co-owner of nature and see yourself as co-owner too.
We are sowing-products of the centuries old lordship thoughts.
 -If we are unable to came to an agreement among ourselves, to live in harmony with each other, so the lords at the tops are to blame, than they educated us to have such faulty behaviour.
They ordered that we obey their commands, and their commands was fighting with other peoples, not seeking a consensus basis for a peaceful world.
The passivity behaviour  imposed from lords at the top, let us make a faulty picture from the nature, than everyone has to be active in nature. But we people are passive and paralysed with respect to social and environmental issues.
Is it not time to get rid of this paralysed situation now?
Is “Dynamical Organisation Mechanism” (DOM) in Nature” not informative and enlightening enough?
The history of our Earth and our natural system is the one summarized above according to geological, astrophysical, and other natural-scientific evidence. As you can see, we live in a developing environment and developments depend on the ability to build INFORMATION. Depending on this ability, the basic chemical elements we call atom are introduced into different combinations, and different entities emerge. Thus, a living nature emerges, which is initiated and sustained by the most basic element of vitality we call quantitative energy, in constant change-transformation, and evolves and evolves continuously in billions of years. So, the DYNAMIC SYSTEM is NATURE and we humans are one of the entities that are created to live in this dynamic systematic nature.

Life is nothing but chemistry. Time is the results of change-overs of materials. It starts with buildings chemical elements, like H, He, Li,.C, N, Fe, etc; Later are developed molecules like H2O, SiO2, and very-very later various organic molecules. Consequently, life is the results of chemical-compositional changes. E.g.: Older time animals and today animals all consist of the same chemical elements. The difference between them is the relative amounts of chemical elements. The compositions have changed, that lead to the development of time concept.

Time is a change-over indicator that is achieved by the change of the chemical composition of entities.
The concept of "time" for natural beings is a type of perception for the determination of proportions of substance combinations and depends on mutual interactions between the entities. Time concept of our ancestors and of the physicists (and other scientists) is linked to the eternality of a God, or natural selectors, having no beginning and no end. This super-natural-being gave tic-tac signals and all phenomena developed. They could not accept the likelihood of life development from lower levels such subatomic units. But as shown in the link given above, time develops as a process occurring according to mutual interactions between the existing units. And the existing units grow and diversify as time progress. For this reason, the views of natural scientists such as physicist biologists have to be fundamentally erroneous

  Our ancestors assumed a vitality factor outside of their bodies. The energy-giving, energy-providing factor was assumed not in the inner components of beings, but in an outside system, called creator. But nowadays we know that energy is provided by sub-atomic-units, and the ultimate energy source are quanta. Time was assumed to be an ever existing, endless factor, linked to the eternality of a creator, or natural selector. Physicists have misunderstood the time, under the influence of this erroneous traditional knowledge. This is the greatest sin of the physicists because life is a slice of time. When the notion of time was misinterpreted, the concept of life became unclear. 

Developmental mechanism of nature: information and self-organisation

Why there must be a tendency towards a combination of particles into composite structures in nature

A person living alone is continuously active.  (S)he must provide the vegetables and corn (s)he needs; (s)he must grind the corn; (s)he must provide the meat (s)he  needs; (s)he  must make fire; (s)he  must construct an oven to cook; (s)he  must make dishes, spoons, etc.. In this hectic life (s)he has no time for rest.
But a person living in a society has to do only one kind of job and exchange its products (or services) with that of others.  In this manner (s)he spends less energy and enjoys more leisure time.  Analogously, this is the case in all kind of materials.  That is the reason why the basic components of our cosmos tend to make ever-complex structures and tend to coalesce into ever-bigger units.
This situation is best observed at atomic scales. For example, a proton has a mass of 1.00728 atomic-mass-units (amu) and a neutron has 1.00866 amu. A carbon atom consists of 6 protons and 6 neutrons and its mass is only 12 amu. But the total mass of 6 protons + 6 neutrons is 12.0956 amu.
Now the question: Why are the protons and neutrons heavier when alone and lighter when combined?  That is the secret behind the aggregation or accumulation of sublevel-units into upper-level structures. When protons and neutrons are alone, they have to be more mobile and active due to the rule given in § 3.6. This extra activity requires more energy consumption; this extra energy induces more mass according to the E=mc2 formula. Therefore there exists a relation between mass-deficit and binding energy.  Binding energy is generally used as information to construct something.

Figure 23: Difference between singular and communal behaviours.
Let us assume 12 objects (6 blue and 6 yellow) are in mutual interaction. In this configuration, each object sends and receives signals to and from every other object, so that there exists a dense signal-field between them, requiring very high energy consumption. If those objects get combined in 3 clusters (like 2, 4, 6) the signal-exchange density drops significantly, requiring fewer signal exchanges and hence less energy consumption. All beings in nature tend to coalesce in to ever bigger combinations in order to reduce energy consumption. This is known as “principle of least action” or “Minimum Amplitude Principle” (MAP) in physics (Wolff 2008). That is the main reason behind the developments in nature.
It is this force that drives the particles to aggregate to atoms or molecules, the bacteria to eukaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells to animals or plants, animals to colonies, etc...   This behaviour is known as “rahatlama” in Turkish, is driven by Rahatlama-drive, meaning comfortableness-drive (Gedik 2006, 2008).

There is a tendency towards order (negative-entropy) in nature.

The term entropy was introduced to science by Clausius (1865), from the Greek, en+tropein, meaning "Verwandlungsinhalt” or "transformation content". In this original sense entropy means “a change of the system – or a change in the system”. I use it in its original sense.  
Entropy is defined by the formula: S = k.log W, where W=Wahrscheinlichkeit = probability; (k) is the Boltzmann constant; and (S) is entropy. 
Geologic-palaeontologic as well astrophysical data indicate that a distinctive order and organisation exists in nature and that this order and organisation developed with time. There is an increase in order and organisation in nature, as evidenced by geological and astrophysical records. But most physicists pretend an increase in disorder (entropy increase).
Our cosmos is ca. 14 billions year old according to astrophysical researches. At the beginning all matters are thought to have been in the form of subatomic units like protons, neutrons, and electrons. Physicists assume 1080 such particles in the universe. When those 1080 particles were combined in 92 chemical elements, the amount of items reduced drastically; hence, entropy must have been reduced too.
According to geological researches, our world is ca. 4.6 billions year old. The chemical elements in our world are combined in mineral structures with distinct borders, letting them behave as single units and leading to further entropy-decrease, as the lithosphere got ever thicker during geologic history.
Life started ca. 3.5 billions year ago. Photosynthetic bacteria and algae combined 6CO2 + 6H2O to a bigger molecule (C6H12O6) and reduced the amounts of molecules, leading to further entropy-decrease.
The cells were combined to build bigger animals or plants during Earth history, so that mutual interaction probabilities (hence entropy) decreased continuously.
All those observations show very clearly that in nature entropy is not increasing, but decreasing. Our world is heading towards an orderly state. But physicist have assumed a trend towards a disorderly state. Why?
Two assumptions:
First: The driving force in nature, hence the dependency, was assumed to be of an external origin. However, energy has its origin at the sub-atomic realm and as shown in the development of natural sciences, all systems are dependent on their components, and they are the ultimate information storage units in nature. Therefore all systems obey the rules of maximum information principle + minimum amplitude principle, which together leads to the development of orderly states in nature.

Second: An increase in entropy in nature was governed by the assumption of a closed natural system. There is not any closed system in nature. The components of the systems are communicating with each other and with their external environment and energy flows are determined by such interactions. Forces are results of internal mutual interactions of the constituent parts. Traditional thoughts however assumed an external origin for forces, outside the components themselves. Hence, it is not possible to construct a closed system in nature.  All systems are constructed by their components; and the smallest components in nature are quanta, being the carrier of energy and information.

Working mechanism in nature

Work is always accomplished with the aid of some kind of energy. All kinds of energy have their roots at in quanta at the subatomic domain. Incorporation of quanta into the structures and textures of materials can be illustrated by the phenomenon of photosynthesis.  
 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + photons of Sun è C6H12O6 + 6O2
On the left and right side of the equation there is the same amount of matter. But their energy contents are different. The glucose molecule (C6H12O6) has stored quanta from Sun. The molecular structure and texture of this molecule has different H, O and C configurations than that of H2O and CO2.
The producer of this sugar molecule will be then the target (in terms of dynamical system: attractor) of another being and an additional species is supported. This new species uses the sugar molecule as its primary energy source and creates a new body, consisting of new kinds of energy-carrying matter. This new species will be the target (attractor) of another being and a further species is supported, and so on. In this manner a very complex ecological network structure develops. In each ecosystem, each being has its own primary, secondary, etc. energy sources. Each being has slightly different food preferences and those food preferences change with time. Consequently, the genetic information potential of beings changes too. Each cell has this genetic information in its structure and composes future body-plans according to the past information-storage with future plans according to the rules of probabilistic calculations.
Because the sub-atomic basic components of all matter have tunnelling abilities, they always flow to the most economically developed structures, so that non-economic structures disintegrate and better ones are preferred. So are developing natural phenomena. Cells use the same quantum dynamical rules (McFadden 2003, Al-Khalili 2003, Davies 2008, Al-Khalili & McFadden 2008, Goel 2008, Patel 2008), consequently natural selection functions in the same manner.
In this manner energy gets incorporated into structures and textures of matters and so that compositional structures of beings get continuously changed, leading to the observed changeovers in nature.
All materials and beings communicate with each other via signals called photons (Feynman 1985). Electrons of each being become excited by photons reaching them and get agitated by a precise amount called the “fine-structure constant = ca. 1/137” (Feynman 1985) and sent itself an other photon to its environment carrying its own signature but the same information signal. Similar communication exists between components of each system, be it a lake, or be it the whole world.

Because all beings are dependent on energy and energy is always stored in different kinds of matter, each newly developed being tries to obtain information about the changes in its environment. In this continuous changeover system:
1-     All matter consists of the same basic sub-atomic-units like the electron, proton, and neutron, which are the action-makers and energy-providers. They construct different upper-level units such as carbon (C), oxygen (O) etc.. To accomplish this they do not behave as single units and behave differently in different upper-level-units. That is called symmetry breaking in physics. Symmetry breaking is a learning process, whereby environmental changeovers get transmitted to sub-atomic-units, so that they change their structures and textures (polarisations, spins, wave-phase, etc.) to accommodate themselves to the new conditions (Haken 1983, 2000).  
2-     There are many kinds of matters and beings, each with a different kind of energy storage.
3-     Each newly-developing system envisages a target as its major energy-source, termed an “attractor” in dynamic systems theory (Haken 1983, 2000). Target (attractor) specification is very important. An example is given by the development of different algal species: a red alga is specialised on blue light and a blue alga is specialised on red-light; a species using the whole spectrum of light cannot compete with these much specialised species.   
4-     Each being tries to develop the best observation methods to get its energy requirements, according to the development of maximum information principle (MIP) of dynamic systems theory (Haken 1983, 2000).
5-     Because the most economically structured systems are preferred by the energy-carriers, each newly developing system tries to optimise its energy resources (minimum amplitude principle = MAP). For this reason these systems try to establish the best cooperation between themselves, called “order-parameter” (or informator) in dynamic systems theory (Haken 1983, 2000).
6-     To reduce the energy consumption, structural and textural optimisation processes must take place and become solidified at a certain time to satisfy the order-parameter conditions. (Solidification of dynamic systems theory). (Haken 1983, 2000).
7-     For perfect functioning of a body according to its order-parameters, each component must be in perfect coordination and cooperation. To ensure that, all components become slaved (slaving principle of dynamic systems theory). (Haken 1983, 2000).  
8-     The slaving and solidification of components are carried out at the early growth phase. The period of childhood in humans corresponds to this time interval. Therefore, paradigm-development in humans is very effective during their whole life.

In this manner a dynamically developing natural system becomes established. The natural world we live in is a dynamical system. The developments of dynamical systems are ruled by dynamical systems theory, summarized as information and self-organisation (Haken 1983, 2000, Jaynes 1995, Camazine et al. 2001, Sethna 2009). Information is always stored in the structure and texture of components of beings: as synaptic developments plus genetic codes in the organic world and as anisotropic developments or similar in the inorganic domain. The process is rooted at the sub-atomic-domain, where spin axis, polarisation planes, wavelengths, etc. can alter in response to changes in the environment.
Materials are anisotropic. To understand the term anisotropy, consider the following thought experiment. A team of 12 soldiers is landed in a foreign land and will explore the country. They look at their GPS instrument and record their landing points. Afterwards they divide into four groups and each of these groups begins to walk towards the four geographic directions. After 12 hours of wandering, they measure the distances from their starting points. The northerly marching group has marched only 10 km, because of a high mountain range; the southerly group marched 60 km, because their route was over level ground; the easterly group marched 25 km, and the westerly group 40 km. Anisotropy of materials (minerals, cells, etc) is analogous for photons travelling in them. Photons as carriers of energy travel with different velocities in different directions inside materials. Consequently, the energy storage rate within materials is different in different directions, leading to the development of strains.

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