The government

Working mechanism in nature

Work is always accomplished with the aid of some kind of energy. All kinds of energy have their roots at in quanta at the subatomic domain. Incorporation of quanta into the structures and textures of materials can be illustrated by the phenomenon of photosynthesis.  
 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + photons of Sun è C6H12O6 + 6O2
On the left and right side of the equation there is the same amount of matter. But their energy contents are different. The glucose molecule (C6H12O6) has stored quanta from Sun. The molecular structure and texture of this molecule has different H, O and C configurations than that of H2O and CO2.
The producer of this sugar molecule will be then the target (in terms of dynamical system: attractor) of another being and an additional species is supported. This new species uses the sugar molecule as its primary energy source and creates a new body, consisting of new kinds of energy-carrying matter. This new species will be the target (attractor) of another being and a further species is supported, and so on. In this manner a very complex ecological network structure develops. In each ecosystem, each being has its own primary, secondary, etc. energy sources. Each being has slightly different food preferences and those food preferences change with time. Consequently, the genetic information potential of beings changes too. Each cell has this genetic information in its structure and composes future body-plans according to the past information-storage with future plans according to the rules of probabilistic calculations.
Because the sub-atomic basic components of all matter have tunnelling abilities, they always flow to the most economically developed structures, so that non-economic structures disintegrate and better ones are preferred. So are developing natural phenomena. Cells use the same quantum dynamical rules (McFadden 2003, Al-Khalili 2003, Davies 2008, Al-Khalili & McFadden 2008, Goel 2008, Patel 2008), consequently natural selection functions in the same manner.
In this manner energy gets incorporated into structures and textures of matters and so that compositional structures of beings get continuously changed, leading to the observed changeovers in nature.
All materials and beings communicate with each other via signals called photons (Feynman 1985). Electrons of each being become excited by photons reaching them and get agitated by a precise amount called the “fine-structure constant = ca. 1/137” (Feynman 1985) and sent itself an other photon to its environment carrying its own signature but the same information signal. Similar communication exists between components of each system, be it a lake, or be it the whole world.

Because all beings are dependent on energy and energy is always stored in different kinds of matter, each newly developed being tries to obtain information about the changes in its environment. In this continuous changeover system:
1-     All matter consists of the same basic sub-atomic-units like the electron, proton, and neutron, which are the action-makers and energy-providers. They construct different upper-level units such as carbon (C), oxygen (O) etc.. To accomplish this they do not behave as single units and behave differently in different upper-level-units. That is called symmetry breaking in physics. Symmetry breaking is a learning process, whereby environmental changeovers get transmitted to sub-atomic-units, so that they change their structures and textures (polarisations, spins, wave-phase, etc.) to accommodate themselves to the new conditions (Haken 1983, 2000).  
2-     There are many kinds of matters and beings, each with a different kind of energy storage.
3-     Each newly-developing system envisages a target as its major energy-source, termed an “attractor” in dynamic systems theory (Haken 1983, 2000). Target (attractor) specification is very important. An example is given by the development of different algal species: a red alga is specialised on blue light and a blue alga is specialised on red-light; a species using the whole spectrum of light cannot compete with these much specialised species.   
4-     Each being tries to develop the best observation methods to get its energy requirements, according to the development of maximum information principle (MIP) of dynamic systems theory (Haken 1983, 2000).
5-     Because the most economically structured systems are preferred by the energy-carriers, each newly developing system tries to optimise its energy resources (minimum amplitude principle = MAP). For this reason these systems try to establish the best cooperation between themselves, called “order-parameter” (or informator) in dynamic systems theory (Haken 1983, 2000).
6-     To reduce the energy consumption, structural and textural optimisation processes must take place and become solidified at a certain time to satisfy the order-parameter conditions. (Solidification of dynamic systems theory). (Haken 1983, 2000).
7-     For perfect functioning of a body according to its order-parameters, each component must be in perfect coordination and cooperation. To ensure that, all components become slaved (slaving principle of dynamic systems theory). (Haken 1983, 2000).  
8-     The slaving and solidification of components are carried out at the early growth phase. The period of childhood in humans corresponds to this time interval. Therefore, paradigm-development in humans is very effective during their whole life.

In this manner a dynamically developing natural system becomes established. The natural world we live in is a dynamical system. The developments of dynamical systems are ruled by dynamical systems theory, summarized as information and self-organisation (Haken 1983, 2000, Jaynes 1995, Camazine et al. 2001, Sethna 2009). Information is always stored in the structure and texture of components of beings: as synaptic developments plus genetic codes in the organic world and as anisotropic developments or similar in the inorganic domain. The process is rooted at the sub-atomic-domain, where spin axis, polarisation planes, wavelengths, etc. can alter in response to changes in the environment.
Materials are anisotropic. To understand the term anisotropy, consider the following thought experiment. A team of 12 soldiers is landed in a foreign land and will explore the country. They look at their GPS instrument and record their landing points. Afterwards they divide into four groups and each of these groups begins to walk towards the four geographic directions. After 12 hours of wandering, they measure the distances from their starting points. The northerly marching group has marched only 10 km, because of a high mountain range; the southerly group marched 60 km, because their route was over level ground; the easterly group marched 25 km, and the westerly group 40 km. Anisotropy of materials (minerals, cells, etc) is analogous for photons travelling in them. Photons as carriers of energy travel with different velocities in different directions inside materials. Consequently, the energy storage rate within materials is different in different directions, leading to the development of strains.

Now let see, how force fields are developed in nature.

All developments in nature occur by mutual interactions of components, according to chicken and egg system-rules, which is called circular causality in synergetics.

For a better understanding of “how this circular causality functions”, let see the figure from Haken (2000).
In physics there exist a term called “field”. This term (field) describe the force system influencing all components within this area. Force fields are valid only within the limits of its influence radius. For example, gravitational field of the Earth is valid only for the Earth-system: Mars has its own gravitational field, etc. Therefore, force fields are valid and active only within its borders. And borders determine the different levels or systems, starting with subatomic particles, continuing with atoms, molecules, cells, bodies, lakes, islands, Earth, Sun-system, galaxy, etc.

Figure 24: Force field development within a semi-closed system.

What kinds of system do exist?
- Each rotating system around an axis has its own system; (each subatomic particle, each atom, each molecule, each planet, etc.)
- Each item with a special body-wall around itself is a system; each mineral, each cell, each organ, each body, each state, each lake, each island have their own systems)
It is known that it exists a special force field in each system and all components within this system obey this force field. Now the question arises: Where to derive this force field, how is it developed?
Here come the synergetics, summarized as “information & self-organisation”, to help and explain how a force field develops. It introduce a new term called “order parameter” and explain all force systems occurring and guiding the processes in animate and inanimate worlds of nature. Order parameter describes the force fields occurring and ruling in a special system. As seen from the figure, it develops from mutual-reciprocal interactions of all the components within a semi-closed system (atoms generate field). This force field is called then as order parameter of this system and afterwards it slaves all components within its borders (field (order parameter) slaves atoms).
All life beings have to adapt themselves to the continuously changing environmental conditions. For this reason the solution of the problem get very important: How are order parameters established in circular causality systems? Let see that in the development of a human body:
Figure 25: Symmetry breaking and solidification in life systems.
According to their genetic codes cells start to divide in a geometric series (2-4-8-16-etc) and the fundament of the body is laid down. This type of growth continues until a stage called blastula, where all cells build a globular structure like a balloon filled in with a special fluid. When you pick one of the cells of this structures until this globular stage and put it in a suitable womb, it starts again to divide and multiply and can grow to an individual new body again.

After this balloon-shaped globular phase, an invagination (gastrocoel) at one locality of this balloon occurs  (gastrula phase) and the development of different organs gets started. That is the crucial phase of changeovers in upper-level – lower-level systems: After this gastrula phase, when you pick one of the cells of this structure and put it in a suitable womb, they can not start to multiply; they can not grow to an individual. They have lost this ability. This loss of ability is called symmetry breaking in synergetics.
After the gastrula phase the cells lost their ability to build a new body, but they have got another ability: building special organs capable to do different jobs. After gastrula phase, cells get the ability to do different works, according to signals they get from their environment; some one became kidney-cells, some one heart-cell, etc.!  These specialized cells can’t do any other functions after this specialization phase; their abilities are solidified. Therefore this transition or conversion of information-processing capabilities is called solidification in synergetics.
 That is the secrets of lower-level – upper-level differentiation systems: symmetry breaking (lost or reduction of many earlier capabilities) and converting their information processing potential (solidification) into new goals; updating the order parameters according to the changeovers in their surroundings (circular causality)!

This kind of lower-level Þ upper-level developments (chicken and egg cycles) starts with sub-atomic-particles having super-symmetric capabilities. With their combinations into atoms new features develop; with combinations of atoms into molecules more new attributes and properties arise; and so on this development leads to constructions of cells, plants, animals, etc. This type of informational growth systems is continuing with the humanity at an accelerated speed.
This kind of actions (symmetry breaking, solidification, updating of order parameters according to changeovers in the environment (circular-causality)) occurs in social life systems of humans, too.
The childhood of human life corresponds to blastula-gastrula transition of cellular developments. At childhood each individual can learn any (or many) of the existing languages in our world without any foreign accent. After the childhood, these abilities are blunted (symmetry breaking), and afterwards the individuals can’t learn a language easily and without any foreign accents. The individuals adapt themselves to the conditions ruling in their environment and the learned customs get stabilized (solidification).
 The factors circular causality and order parameter stabilizations play the most important roles in the childhoods.
Our cells according to a “chicken-egg-chick” cycle construct our bodies. The type of information fed at the “chick” stage determines the constitutions of the order parameters for the individual (solidification) (Rizzolatti et al.2001). Once set fix at this stage, these solidified order parameters enslave the individuals for all their life. The first moving being observed by a chick during its hatchling is accepted as its closest relatives during its whole life. That is the result of the enslaving force of order parameters.
Shortly: Life systems are dependent on lower-level structures, because the information is stored only in lower-level structures!
But according to the traditional view of life, lower-levels are dependent on upper-levels; that is the reason that they established social life organisation from top to bottom.
Just that contradictory influencing system is the source of most (if not all) social problems of humans.
-                     the constructors, as well the designers of our bodies are their cells insides of them;
-                     and those cells determine and solidify the order parameters of the body they construct according the data gathered by their sensory organs;
-                     by giving them the faulty information that life systems are dependent on upper-level structures;
-                     they organize and solidify the network structures of the brain according to those information;
-                     after this is done in childhood, these order parameters enslaves the humans in their later life.

That is the main problem humans are confronted. We are enslaved by faulty order parameters. The only way to get out of this vicious circle is to make new by-pass circuits in our brains, to circumvent those faulty synapse-structures. 

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