DMN 1 Introduction - from “vis plastica” to “information & self-organisation”
There are many kinds of matters in our nature and there is a kind of order and organisation between them, reflected as birth and death cycles. The question is: How is this order established? And why is life based on birth and death cycles? (This question was dealt exhaustingly in Gedik 2008 and a short version in English will be presented here.)
-Is there any other external player (force system) responsible.... continue
DMN 2 Evaluation of scientific data for elucidation of the problem
Relations between our cells and bodies as an example of lower-level - upper-level structures
Our bodies are structures constructed by the cells inside them. The cells construct the bodies as a shelter for themselves, to ensure them a better life-condition.
Your friend is ill and has fever. To monitor and control his fever you have attached a digital thermometer to ..... continue
DMN 3 Time, Life and Information Relations
What a Trip to the Past reveals us!
1. 100 years ago, there were no TV, no computers, no satellites, etc. so that humans were deprived of the benefits of those inventions.
2. 500 years ago, there were no electricity, no motors, no cars or trains, so that humans were deprived of the benefits of those inventions too. Consequently, the living standards of humans were...... continue
DMN 4 Integrative and exponential nature of information development
First of all a definition of the term “information” is indispensable: it is used in its broadest sense and spectrum, encompassing the term “knowledge”.
èi- Information is the address-tags of components to their targets, sensu Blobel (1999). In this sense it incorporates the target directed behaviours of all particles be it molecules or subatomic elements.
èii- Matters are anisotropic in their nature, with very distinct 3-dimensional structure and texture. That let them act as very ....... continue
DMN 5 Why are humans developed differently than other beings?
Humans consider themselves as being the only conscious life-beings on the Earth. But consciousness is a matter of relativity. The consciousness of a highly mentally retarded man is less then that of a dog. Therefore, a clear-cut definition of consciousness is not feasible. When we define consciousness as the fact of being aware of factors or forces acting or influencing on an item and its behaviour according to them, then we have to accept that all kind of beings have their own...... continue
DMN 6 Chicken and egg – or - birth and death cycles:
The upper-level – lower-level relations are best explained in the chicken and egg cycles. Why are chickens laying always eggs and the eggs are developing continuously into chickens? And which one has started this game and why this cycle continue? In other words: Why is life based on birth- and death-cycles?
Physical-biological-geologic-palaeontological data combinations give the answer to this question. As shown in the paragraphs ..... continue
DMN 7 Why there is an oscillation in all natural developments?
We observe a cycle, a repetition in all natural developments. For example the sun energy falling on a point at the surface of the Earth shows a cycle like in the figure 1.
Let us assume a life system in a lake. The most basic components of life systems are phytoplanktons. Their life depends on........ continue