Introduction - from “vis plastica” to “information & self-organisation”
This is the time and life relation in the history of the world from the start to endless.
There are many kinds of matters in our nature and there is a kind of order and organisation between them, reflected as birth and death cycles. The question is: How is this order established? And why is life based on birth and death cycles? (This question was dealt exhaustingly in Gedik 2008 and a short version in English will be presented here.) and what means the time and life relation with exceptional view?
-Is there any other external player (force system) responsible for the order, beyond (or beside) the constituent components?
-Or is the order and organisation established by mutual interactions of constituent parts? And if so, where is the information for this order stored?
Our ancestors accepted the first case to be true and coined a term “vis plastica” (a divine system) being responsible for the establishment and maintenance of this order.
The simplest way to understand our ancestor’s assumption about the natural force system is their explanations of fossil records in earth-history. As you know, during earth history, layers of sedimentary beds are continuously deposited at the bottom of oceans, including the rest of organisms living there. The first geologists being strongly influenced of traditional life view (creation) explained the development of fossils with the aid of a creator thought as a “vis plastica”, sculpting the body of organisms.
Our ancestors assumed an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent being outside of ourselves, being responsible for the creation and maintenance of nature. This extraordinary force was thought to sculpt and shape every thing in nature according to his intentions; That why a term “vis plastica” was coined, meaning “the sculpting or shaping force”.
Our ancestors could not explain the cause of the birth and cycles and solved this problem with an assumption of a second life in another world. This kind of a belief was the dominant life-view among humans until the debut of Darwin’s evolution theory in 1859.
Darwin rejected the idea of an external creator (or sculptor), and but assumed an other kind of invisible force system, called “natural selection” indicating again an extra force system beyond the compositional elements.
The force activators of this “nature” are never explained clearly. When scientists supporting Darwinian-evolution-theory are confronted with the question “Nature consists of oceans, mountains, the sun and its system, stars, galaxies, etc. Who makes the selection? Is it oceans or mountains, or is it extra-terrestrial objects?” you get no answers. Force development and the selection system of nature are not described precisely by supporters of evolutionary theory, including the most prominent ones like Gould, Eldridge, Ayala, etc. That is the situation in today’s world.
Humans are educated in the manner that they see the plants, animals, cells, molecules or atoms as non-conscious, randomly behaving “particles”, being guided by an extra-ordinary natural or divine force-system.
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