Integrative and exponential nature of information development
First of all a definition of the term “information” is indispensable: it is used in its broadest sense and spectrum, encompassing the term “knowledge”.
èi- Information is the address-tags of components to their targets, sensu Blobel (1999). In this sense it incorporates the target directed behaviours of all particles be it molecules or subatomic elements.
èii- Matters are anisotropic in their nature, with very distinct 3-dimensional structure and texture. That let them act as very different information carriers enabling them to transform the existing energy-form into other ones, like piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, thermoluminescence, etc. Hence, anisotropy is the signature of information storage. That means: it indicates which direction should transmit the signals (or energy) faster than other ways. These kinds of different energy transformation are much more diversified among organic components. (As seen information is stored in compositional structure and texture of matters being higher in organic domain.) Light or other energy sources are propagating with different velocities along different directions. In this manner information or force-carrying components (bosons) like photons get address-directed too. That means that they use distinct informational paths. In that sense, force fields are informational paths too.
èiii- The energy carriers like photons or electrons change their phase or polarisation during their travel in matters. Hence, force-fields (being energy flow paths) change themselves according to the structure of matters. In this manner energy carriers store information about their paths through the nature.
èvi- By writing a report where you explain how to construct a device, you transform your past efforts and experiences into a condensed form; that builds an information. A person having this report at hand is able to construct this device without losing so much time as you did to combine this information.
èv- The motors constructed at the begin of our century burned ca 20 lt oil per 100 km, whereas today’s motors burns ca 5 lt for 100 km. Hence information development heads toward more economic ones with time.
èvi- Information potential is a matter of combination-degree of matters. E.g. humans have nearly the same amount of matters, but they differ in their skills and intelligence, due to their different proteomics. Hence, force fields being reflections of information-potentials are inhomogeneous throughout our universe.
èvii Development of information requires much time and effort to be constructed.
Information Development of Humanity
-100 years ago we were deprived of electronic devices like computers, TVs, wireless communication devices, etc., because we had not developed the appropriate know-how's (information) to construct them.
-500 years ago we were deprived of motor-driven vehicles, because we had not developed the appropriate know-how's (information) to construct them.
-15000 years ago we were deprived of all kinds of metallic pots and pans, because we had not developed the appropriate know-how's (information) to construct them.
-One million years ago, we were living in darkness at nights because we didn't know how to make fire.
If we plot the human achievements on a time-scale, we get the curve shown in Figure 1. We can call it "know-how development curve". As clearly seen, it is an exponential curve, expressed by exponential functions.
Figure 5: Know-how development curve of humanity.
Humans culture started with stone cuttings ca. 2,5 millions years ago and progressed very slowly until ca. 30000 years ago; only with a few discoveries like fire-control ca. 500000 years ago and grave digging ca. 300000 years ago. Then came a rapid increase period of human achievements, spears ca. 32000 years ago, female figurines ca. 27000 years ago, finery ca. 17000 years ago, mud-brick houses ca. 9000 years ago, glasses ca.3500 years ago, printing-press 562 years ago, etc., leading to an exponential development. (Adopted from Gedik 1998)
As seen, the information development-system has an interdependent pathway, the later ones dependent always on previous ones. Without know-how for fire-making, no metallurgic know-how's; without know-how's for metallurgy, no know-how for motor-driven vehicles; without know-how's for motor constructions, no know-how for electrical-electronically devices! Each new created item prepares the developmental condition of the following items. Therefore, all beings or matters are dependent on each other and there is a heterarchical relationship between them.
Information develops at increments, each step depending on previous ones. Information consists of signals, independent of any body or material. It is transferred from one body to the others; from one cell to the next. It is the only continuously existing and developing system of nature, whereas matter components of nature are in a continuous changeover states, constructed, destroyed and re-constructed in accordance with the level of existing information potential.
The same kind of exponential development is observed in the history of life development in our world too.
Development of Life on the Earth and the Cambrian Explosion
Geological records indicate that life started with prokaryotic cells about 3.5 Ga (giga years) ago (10). Prokaryota have a single DNA loop in their cytoplasm as information storage medium. Life continued in prokaryotic level until ca. 2 Ga years ago; than eukaryotic cells appeared (11,12,13). Eukaryota have a distinct nucleus, where the genetic information material is stored. In this nucleus, many strands of DNA are enrolled around special barrel-like structures, called histons, functioning as reels of DNA-threads. This histon-structure (reels of DNA-threads) enables storage of huge amounts of data in ordered fashion. This may be the main driving factor in the development of life-systems, then the eukaryotic cells, with their huge information storage and processing system, developed in an exponential manner, as seen in Figure 1.4.
Figure 6: The Cambrian Explosion.
The exponential development of life in the Earth history has drawn the attention of palaeontologists and the term “Cambrian explosion” has coined for this outburst, liying nearly at the Cambrian-Proterozoic transition. Until this knick-point the faunal-floral diversity is very low; but after the knick-point it is very high.
The first multicellular organism emerged nearly 1Ga years ago and continued to diversify (14, 15, 16,17). And then the well known occurrences of palaeontological fossil taxa start their debuts. At the knick-point of this exponential curve lies the Cambrian Explosion. Therefore one can assume that the integrative and exponential nature of information development may be one of the factors, influencing the burst of organic life diversity at this time interval.
The Meaning of Exponantial NaturInformation Development.
It has three very important results:
i- The derivations of exponential functions remain always as exponential functions, meaning that towards smaller building components, know-how potential has to continue and never extinguishes. Consequently the smallest fundamental components (wave-structures sensu Wolff (2008)) of matters must have a basic exponential know-how set (or basic information potential).
ii- The second important result is, that this basic information potential developed with time, yielding the maximum information principle of dynamical systems (Haken 2000).
iii- Information must be the driving force of nature, leading to order and organisation. Information potential of sub-atomic-units act as Maxwell’s demon and lead to the development of orderly structures. Hence, entropy (disorder) increase assumption of physicists is not valid in our universe.
Figure 7: The exponential nature of information necessitate a Hamiltonian or Lagrangian factor meaning “Get information and organize thyself”.
Indeed, physical experiments reveal that subatomic particles of matters have the ability to sense their environments, make probability calculations, and behave according to the results of these calculations, as shown below.
The exponential nature of information development and polarity of time (time-arrow) was first proposed by Gedik 1998 and developed further by Gedik 2006 and 2008. Researches of the last decade enforced Gedik’s (2006, 2008) predictions (Haken 2000, Patel 2001-2008, Li et al. 2010).
The importance of information building is demonstrated best by the development of human beings.
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