Time, Life and Information Relations
What a Trip to the Past reveals us! and What is force?
What is the time?
To understand time, we have to compare today conditions with that of the past.
The history of our Earth and our natural system is the one summarized above according to geological, astrophysical, and other natural-scientific evidence. As you can see, we live in a developing environment and developments depend on the ability to build INFORMATION. Information is stored as chemical elements, each one having very distincts characteristics. Depending on this ability, the basic chemical elements we call atom are introduced into different combinations, and different entities emerge. Thus, a living nature emerges, which is initiated and sustained by the most basic element of vitality we call quantitative energy, in constant change-transformation, and evolves and evolves continuously in billions of years. So, the DYNAMIC SYSTEM is NATURE and we humans are one of the entities that are created to live in this dynamic systematic nature.
Life is nothing but chemistry. Time is the results of change-overs of materials. It starts with buildings chemical elements, like H, He, Li,.C, N, Fe, etc; Later are developed molecules like H2O, SiO2, and very-very later various organic molecules. Consequently, life is the results of chemical-compositional changes. E.g.: Older time animals and today animals all consist of the same chemical elements. The difference between them is the relative amounts of chemical elements. The compositions have changed, that lead to the development of time concept.
What is the time?
To understand time, we have to compare today conditions with that of the past.
1- We
have tools such as mobile phones, airplanes, computers, horse-carts, spears,
all of them are the results of HUMAN KNOWLEDGE;
are also multi-celled organisms like sheep, mouse, mammals, birds, plants,
fishes, insects, corals, snails; all of them are the results of different
3- In
addition to these, there are nucleated single-celled creatures such as amoeba
and euglena, created in accordance with appropriate genetic informations;
4- as
well as seedless single-celled organisms like bacteria, created in accordance
with appropriate genetic informations
5- In
addition, there are inorganic molecules such as quartz, mica, feldspar;
6 - as
well as chemical elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, iron, hydrogen,
7 - In
addition, there are subatomic things like proton, neutron, electron.
Now let's go back to the past, and see what will change:
a- When
we go back 100 years, "mobile-phones, planes, computers"; When we go
back 10 thousand years, horse-carts; When we go back 50 thousand years,
"spear, arrow" disappear; THE INFORMATION THAT WILL CREATE THEMS has
not yet occurred;
b- When
we go back 300 million years, "sheep, cows, mice, birds, lizards, etc.
They are disappearing, the Knowledge to create them is not yet established;
c- When
we go back 600 million years, animals such as plants, fishes, insects, corals,
lizards, snails disappear and the knowledge to construct them is not yet
d- When
we go back 2.5 billion years, the eukaryotic single cells such as amoeba and
euglena disappear too, and the Knowledge to construct them is not yet
e -
When we go back 4 billion years, prokaryotic organisms such as
"bacteria" are also disappearing, the information that will form them
is not yet established;
f- The
time interval between 5 billion years and the period between the beginning of
our universe (which is anticipated by astrophysicists to be 13.8 billion years)
is star formation period. Stars are nuclear environments in which chemical
elements called atoms are synthesized. Therefore, basic chemical elements such
as oxygen, carbon and iron can not be established without atomic information,
and minerals such as mica, quartz, feldspar can not be established without
chemical elements. That means, the knowledge necessary to construct them was
not established in this time interval.
g- When
you go to the beginning of our universe (which is not known exactly),
"proton, neutron, electrons and other matter-forming essential
elements" disappear because it is impossible to create matter without
In other words, at the
beginning of our universal system, all the substances disappear, and
"strong interaction" information is not established. Hence there is
no substance at all. The universe is only in quantum-realm in the form of
energy. ENERGY is not something dead or lifeless things or particles, as
thought by physicists. But in contrary, very-very active, dynamic, continuously
oscillating primary life units with very short life-spans. They perceive their
environment, measure them with their wave-length, make probability calculations
and prefer the most ergonomic structures. They are the owner of the natural
system and instructors of all beings, enabling them to develop
energy-flow-density build-ups (Chaisson 2010).The history of our Earth and our natural system is the one summarized above according to geological, astrophysical, and other natural-scientific evidence. As you can see, we live in a developing environment and developments depend on the ability to build INFORMATION. Information is stored as chemical elements, each one having very distincts characteristics. Depending on this ability, the basic chemical elements we call atom are introduced into different combinations, and different entities emerge. Thus, a living nature emerges, which is initiated and sustained by the most basic element of vitality we call quantitative energy, in constant change-transformation, and evolves and evolves continuously in billions of years. So, the DYNAMIC SYSTEM is NATURE and we humans are one of the entities that are created to live in this dynamic systematic nature.
Life is nothing but chemistry. Time is the results of change-overs of materials. It starts with buildings chemical elements, like H, He, Li,.C, N, Fe, etc; Later are developed molecules like H2O, SiO2, and very-very later various organic molecules. Consequently, life is the results of chemical-compositional changes. E.g.: Older time animals and today animals all consist of the same chemical elements. The difference between them is the relative amounts of chemical elements. The compositions have changed, that lead to the development of time concept.
From this evolutionary development of our world and of our cosmos we can deduce, that:
a)- In organic world
1- material composition is changing continuously from simple, prokaryotic bacteria to complex eukaryotic cells and animals, which reflects clearly the amount of increasing genetic information stored in them.
Figure 2: Organic life developments during the earth history.
2- Information is stored in the material composition and structure of beings (esp. in chromosomes).
b)- In inorganic world too, material composition is changing continuously from simple to complex ones: From subatomic units (Big-bang phase) , to single elements like H, C, Si, Fe, O, etc. (in the stars), to molecules (in the planets)
c)- "Time" is an indicator of changeovers due to improvements in information levels. Information potential of our world is increasing continuously, as indicated by earth-historical data. Material composition and structure of beings are changed according to the changes in information levels.
We are living in a continuously changing and metamorphosing world. Time develops as the consequences of those changeovers. If no changeovers, then no time! When all things in the cosmos were frozen like in a snapshot and no movements or actions were there, how could we perceive "the time"?
Figure 3: Time and space developments are irreversible. As evidenced by geological records, the development of our world shows a clear-cut unidirectional evolution.
This polarity is observed both in organic and inorganic structures of the Earth. The organic content was evolved from simple, small prokaryotic cells to complex, big structures like eukaryotic cells, cell-colonies (animals) and animal-colonies (societies). The polarity in the inorganic system is manifested in the different levels of geological formations of the lithosphere, getting more complex, diversified and thicker in one direction.
"Time" is an indicator of the changes and transformations fulfilled by energy-matter-interactions. Time was assumed by our ancestors as something eternal, connected with the eternality of a creator. But physical researches have revealed, that energy-matter interactions are not stable, especially at quantum-levels, so that space is not stable, but continuously changes; having time as the 4th dimension! Consequently, time is the consequence of changeovers due to quantum-physical properties of fundamental particles of matters in universe.
Figure 4: Our cosmos consists of the same amount of energy and matters (particles). The difference between present and past lay in the degree of information potential, being reflected in the structural and textural compositions of the particles, with different order-parameters, hence with different force-fields or information potentials. In the past the information level was low, consequently, the combination-styles of matters were poor; today information level is higher, consequently the combination-styles of matters are more sophisticated.
To understand the meaning of life, we must
understand the meaning of time, than, life(span) is a part of time.
►All beings in the world consist of ca. 92 basic
chemical elements.
►5 billions year ago, those elements were
combined only as ingorganic molecules.
►3 billions year ago prokaryotic beings were
developed, and in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements were
changed. Inorganic compounds were diminished and organic compounds were added
to them.
►2 billions year ago eukaryotic beings were
developed; in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements changed
again. Inorganic compounds diminished further and very new organic compounds
were added to the earlier ones.
► 500 millions year ago animals and plants
occurred in oceans; in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements
changed again. Inorganic compounds diminished further and very new organic
compounds were added to the earlier ones.
► 200 millions year ago dinosaurian animals
were developed; in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements
changed again. Inorganic compounds diminished further and very new organic
compounds were added to the earlier ones.
Time is our perception of change-overs in physical-chemical combination-systems.
Changeovers are results of minimum amplitude principles (MAP) + maximum
information principles (MIP) of physics. According to those principles, all
beings interfere with their surroundings and reorganize themselves, creating
chicken and cycles.
To understand the meaning of life, we must
understand the meaning of time, than, life(span) is a part of time.
►All beings in the world consist of ca. 92 basic
chemical elements.
►5 billions year ago, those elements were
combined only as ingorganic molecules.
►3 billions year ago prokaryotic beings were
developed, and in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements were
changed. Inorganic compounds were diminished and organic compounds were added
to them.
►2 billions year ago eukaryotic beings were
developed; in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements changed
again. Inorganic compounds diminished further and very new organic compounds
were added to the earlier ones.
► 500 millions year ago animals and plants
occurred in oceans; in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements
changed again. Inorganic compounds diminished further and very new organic
compounds were added to the earlier ones.
► 200 millions year ago dinosaurian animals
were developed; in this manner combinations-systems of chemical elements
changed again. Inorganic compounds diminished further and very new organic
compounds were added to the earlier ones.
Time is our perception of change-overs in physical-chemical combination-systems.
Changeovers are results of minimum amplitude principles (MAP) + maximum
information principles (MIP) of physics. According to those principles, all
beings interfere with their surroundings and reorganize themselves, creating
chicken and cycles.
It is heading towards a maximum information building, enabling the systems to use less energy and creating a more comfortable status with the aid of information. That is the secret behind the development of dynamical systems. That why information storage, manipulation and transmission are so much accredited by all life beings.
Time concept forcing everything in our universe to be in a continuous changeover system, let also:
► i- determines the meaning of life. Life, being a span of time, is singular steps in the changeover systems of organic developments; birth and deaths are transitions of these changeovers. Consequently each life-being takes its place with specific sensory and interpretative systems to record the relevant changeovers around itself.
► ii- When everything is forced to change, and each being is forced to follow up these changeovers with the aim of adaptation to them, a race between all life-beings get unavoidable; with the results that ever new informational-designs and corresponding new body-shapes follow each others. The consequence is: an exponential information development with a corresponding increase in diversity is the results in Earth history.
► iii- The act of transformation of one thing into another is neither a random process, nor a predestined one; but rather a process fulfilled with exchange of information between objects according to the rules of probability (see chapter ..). The information signals are simple at lower levels like sub-atomic-particles, but get more complex with the degree of combinations of these particles and their upper-level modules: atoms, molecules, cells, animal-bodies, societies, etc.
► iv- This exchange system gave birth to an integrative and exponential nature of information development.
The concept of "time" for natural beings is a type of perception for the determination of proportions of substance combinations and depends on mutual interactions between the entities. Time concept of our ancestors and of the physicists (and other scientists) is linked to the eternality of a God, or natural selectors, having no beginning and no end. This super-natural-being gave tic-tac signals and all phenomena developed. They could not accept the likelihood of life development from lower levels such subatomic units. But as shown in the link given above, time develops as a process occurring according to mutual interactions between the existing units. And the existing units grow and diversify as time progress. For this reason, the views of natural scientists such as physicist biologists have to be fundamentally erroneous
Our ancestors assumed a vitality factor outside of their bodies. The energy-giving, energy-providing factor was assumed not in the inner components of beings, but in an outside system, called creator. But nowadays we know that energy is provided by sub-atomic-units, and the ultimate energy source are quanta. Time was assumed to be an ever existing, endless factor, linked to the eternality of a creator, or natural selector. Physicists have misunderstood the time, under the influence of this erroneous traditional knowledge. This is the greatest sin of the physicists because life is a slice of time. When the notion of time was misinterpreted, the concept of life became unclear.
The concept of "time" for natural beings is a type of perception for the determination of proportions of substance combinations and depends on mutual interactions between the entities. Time concept of our ancestors and of the physicists (and other scientists) is linked to the eternality of a God, or natural selectors, having no beginning and no end. This super-natural-being gave tic-tac signals and all phenomena developed. They could not accept the likelihood of life development from lower levels such subatomic units. But as shown in the link given above, time develops as a process occurring according to mutual interactions between the existing units. And the existing units grow and diversify as time progress. For this reason, the views of natural scientists such as physicist biologists have to be fundamentally erroneous
Our ancestors assumed a vitality factor outside of their bodies. The energy-giving, energy-providing factor was assumed not in the inner components of beings, but in an outside system, called creator. But nowadays we know that energy is provided by sub-atomic-units, and the ultimate energy source are quanta. Time was assumed to be an ever existing, endless factor, linked to the eternality of a creator, or natural selector. Physicists have misunderstood the time, under the influence of this erroneous traditional knowledge. This is the greatest sin of the physicists because life is a slice of time. When the notion of time was misinterpreted, the concept of life became unclear.
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