İnfo ab Cells, Humans and Societies
Our bodies are designed and constructed by their cells. In the same manner, our societies are designed and constructed by their individuals. There exist natural forces influencing and guiding the cells and human-individuals by their activities. Therefore, it is important to know the basic concepts of natural developments, then, they have to build the "constitutions" of a healthy social life-styles. All problems (inflation, terrors, unemployment, corruption, etc.) occurring in to-day-societies are the results of this dissonance. This info is very important for humanity to create a better social structure.
Life-beings are motivated according to certain targets; that is true also for humans. Therefore the goal of humane efforts is to establish a reasonable life-concept on this planet to secure a social life-style. Technological achievements (worldwide-satellite-communications, air-planes, internet, etc.) have interwoven the international relations, in such a way that educationally induced reasoning defects in one country may have disastrous effects in other countries. Consequently, a worldwide applicable interpretation of life is unavoidable.
That was my aim. I tried to unite the different disciplines of sciences into a coherent system. From the fundamental particles of matter to human-societies, the influencing and governing rules of natures are analysed and synthesized into a reliable scheme. Quantum physics, biology, geology, palaeontology, neuro-physiology, anthropology, archaeology are tied together and brought in resonance with biblical Genesis and Plato’s “Timaios and Kritias”.
I investigated the role of cognition in the development of organic world and discovered its exponential nature, formulated approximately as y = k.ebx. From this exponential nature of cognition, I concluded that, due to integrative levels of natural objects, humans, being integration products of cells, cells must have their own cognition-systems too, but with much smaller horizons than humans. (Because, derivations of exponential functions (y = ex) yield always y = ex.) And this prediction was confirmed by palaeontological data.
During this exhausting work I revised and redefined some fundamental concepts like “time” and “life” and coined many new terms like “educative consciousness, hereditary consciousness, reasoning-defects, co-evolutionary restriction factor, etc.”. For example, I redefine “time” as follows:
“All phenomena left some traces behind it. E.g., geologic history of our Earth is stored in the beds deposited in oceans; astrophysical phenomena can be traced back with aid of interstellar radiations, etc. Putting all these data in chronological order, we can establish the world history, looking like this:
“Hundred years ago there were no electrical devices; five thousand years ago no metallic devices; ten thousand years ago no dishes or spoons; 5 million years ago there were no human beings; 100 million years ago, there was dinosaurs instead of mammals and a great ocean (called Thetys) instead of our countries; 500 million years ago there was no terrestrial life at all; 3 billion years ago, no animals and plants; 4.5 billion years ago no life at all on our planet; 5 billion years ago, there was no Earth; and ca. 15 billion years ago, there was nothing from of our universe, but a very dense (energy full) and very small sphere instead, consisting only of sub atomic particles. Taking it all in all, we live in a nature with continuous changes and metamorphosis. "Time" is an indicator of those changes and transformations fulfilled by energy-matter-interactions. Time (and consequently life) was assumed by our ancestors as to be something eternal, connected with the eternality of a creator. But physical researches have revealed, that energy-matter interactions are not stable, especially at quantum-levels, so that space is not stable, but continuously changes; having time as the 4th dimension! Consequently time is the consequence of changeovers due to quantum-physical properties of fundamental particles of matters in universe. If no changeovers, then no time! (When all things in the cosmos were frozen like in a snapshot and no movements or actions were there, how could we perceive "the time"?) Changes and transformations are first observed by Darwin in animal kingdoms and called evolution. Hence, time is a synonym of evolution. Life, being a span of time, corresponds to the steps of evolutions on Earth! Consequently life isn't something eternal, but rather represents discrete steps of those changeovers. (From Gedik 1998)”
Under “reasoning defects” I describe:
"The main difference between humans and other animals lies in the constitution of their brains. In all comparable animals (mammals) the brain has relatively more nerve cells for sensory and motor area than in humans. But humans have an extremely well developed, "association area" and less developed motor and sensory area! That means: humans have more cells in their brains for planning, forecasting, etc., than for moving or sensing their environments. Its results is that all comparable animals could "see, smell, hear, move or sense any way better" than humans; but humans can make more scenarios from the relatively few observational data than other animals. Humans can experience more vivid dreams, more hallucinations; humans can make more speculations, more future-scenarios, etc. than other animals! And that is the Achilles' heel, the weakest point of humans: The few sensory data they gather has to be very reliable! When sensory data reflect exactly the situations of the living environments, then the cells of the association-area can be wired appropriately, so that the developed scenarios match up to the environment. But if the sensory data doesn’t reflect the environmental situations, then the networking of the brain-cells will be not appropriate to the living environment; those brains will have reasoning defects!
Sensory organs like ear, eye, etc. are constructed by the cells to get information about the changeovers in the living environments. Therefore all data transmitted with sensory organs to cells inside of the body must be very reliable! And here lies the crucial point: The cells are aware of the fact that they are living in a continuously changing world, and therefore have left their progeny free in adapting to their new environments: that is why a chick accept the first-moving-object as her mother, an ant accept the first odour as her-own-home's odour, etc. By humans, the first educational data given during childhood must reflect the environment we are living in! All data not belonging to our environment will create reasoning-defects in the brains of our children, because our cells are created to live in this world and not elsewhere! Here lies the problem: Most humans, giving dogmatic, metaphysical concepts to the information-gathering-cells of their children, creates unintentionally reasoning-defects in their brains, without being aware of this fact! And that is done automatically, via traditions, so that it is turned up into a hereditary social-illness."
“Considering the fact, that not a single scene of the past, earlier periods of our world corresponds to the others, we can clearly assume, that our future will be different from the actual-one. And considering again, that all phenomena are achieved with knowledge (partly inherited, partly new-established), we can assume, that the future of our world will depend on the cognition-development of humans, then the humans are the only dominant species of our world, influencing all other spheres!”
All things are done or achieved with the aids of knowledge about it. Without knowledge, we are helpless and can’t do anything. As shown in my “knowledge development” diagrams, mentioned above and shown at the right, knowledge is accumulated exponentially by the competition of organism on the changeovers of the natural systems. This diagram let us better understand the development of human-history and make accurate prediction about the future development of humanity: Globalisation of social-life-style is his major prediction at the moment!!! That will be achieved with accumulation and dissemination of appropriate knowledge development about it.
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