The Mutualness And Target-Dependency Of The Informational System
Fundamental particles of matters are mutually dependent: Up-quarks communicate with down-quarks, charm-quarks with strange-quarks, protons with electrons, etc.
The mutualness and target-dependency of the informational system exist in living systems too. An accidentally dissected leg can be attached to the body, and billions of nerve-fibers, blood-vessels, etc. connections are re-established, in a mutual sensing and connecting with their counter parts respectively. All proteins constructed in a cell are tagged with an address-tag, (Nobel-prize for Physiology 1999, Blobel).
The mutualness and target-dependency of the informational system exist at subatomic levels too!!! Look at the behavior of a photon in 2-slit experiments. When detectors are located at the slits to detect which way the photons take, a detector at D clicks always, when one of detectors in A or B clicks. There are a lot of points to go, but the photons go to detector in D.
Information as force-activators
All facts and phenomena are guided with the aid of information.
A still laying man get alerted and sprung up when some signals (information) are gathered from the environment.
When we will make something, we first try to get information about it.
An animal looking for food observes the environment around it and tries to get information, and acts according to this information.
A simple cell (e.g. a bacterium) tries to get information about the ion concentration around it and behaves accordingly.
Even at atomic and subatomic levels, the behaviours are controlled with information.
As seen by the examples cited above, it is the information signals that activate the forces. The information signals correspond to the “bosons” of physicists, accepted as force carriers.
Information as a software to construct something (=“know-how” signals)
Suppose you are writing a letter to your child, to explain how to make something. Getting this letter and applying all indicated points your child can fulfil great works! But without those instructions, he or she can't do anything. Here lies the importance of knowledge, which is a senseful combination of words; a product of tiresome, intricate works, achieved by consuming so much energy. Hence, all kinds of knowledge (be it of humans or of cells) are established by testing. Therefore we can say that "knowledge" is compressed and condensed experiences, in fulfilling the tasks with less efforts and time than before. Genes are the equivalents of such "letters": cells store their experiences in the form of DNA codes and hand them over to their descendants, so that they can make use of them and expend not so much effort and time in fulfilling the presumed task, as their parents have spent for gathering that "knowledge".
In order to understand the contents of a letter or a report, humans need education. A report with important information does not have any value for someone without read-write abilities, whereas it is very valuable for others with such abilities. This read-write ability is obtained by development of encoder-decoder programs between sensory data and information-processing units of brains. The actors of these encoder-decoder developments are the cells of our bodies. Data collected by sensory organs are broken into pieces and converted into DNA codes of the cells.
A force-field between two item develops, when there exists an information exchange between them; i.e. when there exist a sender-receiver system between them. A sender-receiver system means an information exchange between them. Hence force-fields correspond to information flow-paths.
To understand the timesaving effects of knowledge, make the following thought-experiment: There are two large newly discovered identical islands in the tropical Pacific capable to accommodate millions of humans. We decide to investigate the role of information-level on the developmental stages of human culture and settle, on each of these islands, equal numbers of humans with different information levels, say 1000 on each island. For this purpose, 1000 identical twins are selected and separated from each other at their birth. First 1000 twins are educated in good developed human societies with different jobs & professions; the other 1000 twins are grown up in wilderness without any human interactions. At the age of 22, these populations, all-naked but with different information level, are transferred to the islands. What will be the future development of these identical environments, considering different levels of information of their human-populations?
Educated humans will surely self-organize easily; someone will make fire, someone will collect food, someone will look for raw materials for mining purposes, someone will look for clay minerals to make pots and briquette, etc. After 2 or 3 generations they will reach a cultural level corresponding to The Middle-Ages (or higher) of humanity. Non-educated population will need enormous time to establish a common language to communicate with each other. After this long time elapse, they must first discover farming and stockbreeding. Then they have to discover the mining, etc. Consequently, they will need thousands of years to reach cultural level of The Middle-Ages.
Information as creator of value: Suppose a report about a very effective motor-construction. In the hands of an educated person, it has a high value; he can fulfil great works with it! But in the hands of a person without read-write-abilities, it has no value? And what is the difference between these extreme situations? The difference lays in the organisations of brain-cells: Persons with appropriate education in reading have developed a neuronal network being alerted when confronted with appropriate writings; whereas not educated brains do not respond to such items. The result is that The Value arises as a result of information processing system. And values build attractor points in natural self-organisation-processes.
Information as activator of forces: How do two animals behave when they see each other? There occurs an information (signal) exchange between them. The cells at retina layer of the eye transmit these signals to the appropriate parts of the brains for information processing. According to the results, the animals come together or they avoid one-other. Furthermore, a cow may release an arousal in a bullock, but not in a ram. Adenine exerts a force on thymine, but not on cytosine or guanine. Consequently, it is the results of information processing that create a special force and force-development is information-sensitive.
Physicists had put it correctly: “All matters attract or repel each other directly proportional to their potential values (charges, etc.) and inversely proportional to the quadrate of the distance between them.” The meaning of this statement is very clear: All items are mutually influencing each other and the result of their interactions is the ruling force in that system. There is no other (external) factor(s), which determine(s) their behaviour or destiny. The renowned physicist Milo Wolff (1995) says: “Particle properties require perception-communication between particles. If there were no means for each particle to sense the presence of other matter in its universe, the required dimensional relationships above could not be established. How can a particle possess a property which is dependent on other particles, if there is no way for the particles to impart their presence to each other? Without communication, each particle would be alone in its own separate universe. Therefore continual two-way perceptive communication between each particle and other matter in its universe is needed to establish the laws of nature.”
Information develops at increments, each step depending on previous ones. Information consists of signals, independent of any body or material. It is transferred from one body to the others, from one cell to the next. For example, Newton has formulated his famous laws about 3.5 centuries ago. This information is then transmitted through generations and developed further by others, and in our days, space-vehicles or satellites constructed with the aids of this basic information are traversing interstellar realms. The same situation is continuing in the development of life system throughout the earth history. A gene as an information chip is transmitted from one cell to the next, being modified according to the changeovers in the environment and so developed ever further. Information is the only continuously existing and developing system of nature, whereas matter components of nature are in a continuous changeover states, constructed, destroyed and re-constructed in accordance with the level of existing information potential. Information is not restricted to matters or individuals; similar to an information given at a conference and influencing all listeners, information is a floating signal system.
Our universe consists of many “semi-closed” box-systems, each one having its own first-order parameter(s). E.g. Sun and its planets are a semi-closed system with their own first-order parameter-sets. The Earth is a part of this system, but it has its own special first-order-parameter-sets. North and south half globe of our Earth have their own circulation patterns, hence, build different interacting sub-systems (with different first-order-parameter-sets). Mediterranean or Black Sea have their own circulation patterns; hence have their own first order-parameter-sets. A lake in Anatolia has its own circulation system; hence its own first-order-parameter-sets. A fish in this lake has its body wall with its own first-order parameter-sets. An organ within this fish-body, e.g. liver, has its own semi-closed membrane with its own first-order-parameter-sets. The organs consist of cells and each cell has its own first-order-parameter-sets. Cells consist of organelles or alike, each one having its own first-order-parameter-sets. The organelles consist of molecules, and molecules have their own first order parameters. Molecules consist of atoms, and they have their own first order parameters.
Order parameters are information containing the necessary data for the enclosed items. Suppose the situations in a pot of water heated from below. When water molecules are informed that they get heated from bottom, they begin to interact with each other absorbing and re-emitting the signals from the heat waves. After a due time of mutual interactions, they find the optimized order parameter containing the necessary information for all molecules in the pot. Every molecule of water get the information from this order-parameter-set, with which velocity where to go. In this manner order develops from a chaotic situation. The same rules are valid for the functioning of lasers.
Information systems develop in bottom-up order. Because information concerns only the items enclosed in the system, informational waves must be target dependent. An object sending a signal to communicate or find a “partner”, send it in all directions around itself. Where it encounter a resonating target, it get absorbed and can trigger some response; but all other wave packets fining no resonating targets, are superfluous and lost energies, building “noise” in the environment.
It is very probable that all physical interactions are governed by the informational nature of the particles. The smallest particle with minimal momentum (quanta, string?) may have the greatest wavelength, interacting and resonating with the whole universe (fulfilling the Mach-principle), the next one interacting and resonating with smaller ones in this system, etc. And the whole system being in mutual interaction according to chicken and egg relations!!!
The Nature is a self-regulating and self-organizing system. This self- regulation and self-organization take shape by mutual interaction of all constituents through information exchange according to chicken-egg relations.
When humans had considered and evaluated the facts cited in the foregoing paragraphs together, they should have a self-assembling social order system, lacking any authority but based solely on information gathering. But it isn't so. Why?
The answer is again in the cellular nature of humans: The whole system is a self-organizing synergetic one. Our bodies are designed and produced by their cells; and cells are aware of the fact that they are living in a continuously changing and transforming nature. To make their offspring adaptable to their new environmental conditions, the offspring is outfitted with the instinctive behaviour to accept the first data they get from their sensory organs as most important factor in their future. That is the reason why a chick hatchelled from its egg, accepts the first moving object around itself as its closest relative. (The enslaving of different animals is fulfilled in the same manner.) Information (necessary for decision or organization) is gathered by sensory organs. If the data gathered by sensory organs are not appropriate to the realities of the living environments, the evaluation-system-construction (networking) of cells in our bodies will be inevitably defective!!! Animals have developed mirror-cells (Rizolatti et al. 2001) to copy the behaviours of their parents. If some of the behaviours of our ancestors are faulty, their descendants automatically copy them and this fault turns into a social illness. That is the problem of our societies. Then the first data fed into our sensory organs by our parents or community is not a self-organizing synergetic one!
Forces directing or moving any object are activated by information-signals. Hence human behaviours are controlled by information they get during their education.
Time and space developments are irreversible. As evidenced by geological records, the development of our world shows a clear-cut unidirectional evolution. This polarity is observed both in organic and inorganic structures of the Earth. The organic content was evolved from simple, small prokaryotic cells to complex, big structures like eukaryotic cells, cell-colonies (animals) and animal-colonies (societies). The polarity in the inorganic system is manifested in the different levels of geological formations of the lithosphere, getting more complex, diversified and thicker in one direction.
“Know-how” can be called also as “creation-potential”. In this case, we must revise our traditional creation or evolution concept and redefine them. Creative forces are exponentially developing information systems, being in mutual interdependency and interaction with all existing items. But traditional creative power is accepted as “Big, all-knowing, all-mighty, eternally-constant and independent, influencing externally the items.”
Because creation-potential starts at sub-atomic levels and increases and diversifies with their integrations (in accordance with the rules of “theory of integrative levels”), the evolution of organic world must be accomplished purposefully, , not by random mutational development. Natural selection taught in biological textbooks excludes the active (conscious) involvement of the life-beings in constructions of their genetic codes. The developments of genetic codes are attributed to random mutations, and the fate of the life-beings is thought to be determined by external factors (nature). Hence, current natural selection does not accept any active, conscious contributions of the organism. But “nature” is a cumulative interaction system of many small components in a synergetic order; it cannot be assumed as external or extrinsic! The organisms develop their information system (genetic codes) by themselves, in mutual interaction with their environment. Therefore the term “natural selection” should be strictly avoided, because it denies the active (conscious) involvement of the organism in the evolution processes.
1- Information is the most basic elements to construct something, nothing is possible without it. Learning or information gathering consist of rearrangement of atoms or molecules in our bodies, in order to make a resonating structure to match the signals received from outer environment. That means, when something is learned, new synapses are constructed between the appropriate nerve cells, and a new type of protein is synthesized enabling the appropriate signal transfer between ligands and receptors, representing the new information. In this operation, the existing amino-acids in our bodies get re-organized, creating a new structure being able to resonate with signal received.
2- The re-organisation of atoms and molecules in our bodies take shape in different times at different levels. The process is quite similar to the steps of a house- construction. First of all is the main frame of the building established, then each floor will be worked out in details afterwards. The constructors of our bodies are working in the same manner by constructing its conscious behavioral structure. The main frame of behaviors are set by childhood, and at later stages come the fine works and specialization. Lets explain this with an example:
After the denouncement of neighbors, a 13 year old girl (Genie) was found in 1970 in a chamber in California/USA, naked and handcuffed to a stool. The mother was deaf-and-dumb, and the father was a psychopath. Annoyed bye the cry of the child (Genie), he interned the girl at the age of 1.5 in a chamber, and handcuffed to a stool. He forbid the mother all actions except that of food and cleaning. Genie subsist there under those condition until she was 13. By her uncovering she was a real helpless creature, being unable to speak, chew, orient, etc. common to normal humans. She was given to the care and education of a specialist. After 7 years of intensive education, she could learn to speak very poorly, comparable to linguistic abilities of a 2 years old child. The space orientation abilities remained very restricted too: She could go to a shop only one corner away from her settlement. Otherwise she gets lost.
This experience shows clearly that, the childhood is a very important epoch in education of our cells, to construct an adaptable body to the environmental conditions around ourselves. If the appropriate educations are not given at this stage, (or false educations are given), then at later epochs no improvements, readjustments or alike are possible.
3- The main frame building at childhood must include the regulation and organisation systems of the nature, too. In other words, the direction of dependency between life systems, cell-body, human-society, etc.
A man constructing a hammer with stuffs like twigs, stone and strings around, consider himself as the creator and master of this hammer. Similarly, he assumes that our world is created by a very big, omnipotent and omniscient creator, being the lord of this world. But the situation is not so. We humans are constructing a hammer, because our cells inside of our bodies urge us to do so. For better understanding of this fact, let us see the sexual behaviors of beings. No one of us has been asked, to be born. The same situation is valid for other beings like dogs, or cats. When some cycles of natural events returns, some molecules get activated and trigger special reactions within certain cells; this in turn triggers other reactions within bodies, so that the bodies are urged to go after some cues, and then …
4- Interactions between all natural objects take place with the aid of informational signals. These informational signal packets could have any different frequency with any different amplitudes. The intensities of these signals make up the force fields of the physicists, or the ether of philosophers. Each being in nature is able to detect all signals relating itself and behave accordingly. This is the reason that a plumb orient itself in perpendicular fashion on a big flat land. But if this plumb is moved toward a high mountain range, then it begins to deflect from the perpendicular and inclines toward the mountain-root. Even a dead object like a plumb is able to sense the mass and distances of all existing materials around itself and orients itself according to the formula: m1.m2/r2. Therefore, all matters in the nature sense all signals relating itself and there exist an universal tie between all matters of nature.
"The inertia of any system is the result of the interaction of that system and the rest of the universe. In other words, every particle in the universe ultimately has an effect on every other particle." Mach’s Principle can be viewed as an entire universe being altered by changes in a single particle -- much in the same manner as hurricanes and tornadoes occurring in Florida because of an El Nino weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, or perhaps more aptly, the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Peru causing rains in Kansas,
Therefore information development and communication is not unique to humanity. It exists for all matters.
The development of information-growth take shape in distinct forms as special packets belonging only to this restricted assemblages. Each chemical element has its own information packets; each molecule, each cell, each taxon, etc. have their own information packets. Similarly humanity has its own information-packet, being still under construction, as seen in figure at left. It is still growing in an exponential rate. But each exponential growth must have an end, indicated as a red-dotted line in figure.
Until this point of saturation and solidification is reached, humanity will create many more information and build many new products, being some of them beneficial but some others harmful to the whole of humans or nature. Those technological innovations will surely reach a critical point, where the harmful effects get unbearable, whereas their beneficial effects become indispensable, like internet communications, and internet viruses, spams, etc. Human population will still increase too, and environmental and ecological disasters will threat the human life itself.
At this point, humanity will be compelled to find an ecologically and naturally sound system to get a worldwide consensus. And that will satisfy the statements cited above:
All humans and other creatures are shareholders and copartners of natural life systems. This world is constructed and governed by its components. There is no other lord of nature.
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