Humans thinking and reasoning system.
Effects of dogmatic knowledge on consciousness development.
We are living in a sea of energy fields. In this "sea", energy flows continuously through matters (and hence our bodies) and influence thereby their behaviour. This influence arise through interactions of the constituting parts (cells, its organelles and their molecules) with energy flowing through them. These interactions begin first in the smallest parts of the units, i.e. in organelles and in their molecules. They adapt themselves to the conditions ruling around and undergo some changes accordingly. These changes and transformations influence the behaviour of the "greater units", namely that of the cells. So the cells begin to change according to the transformations (or changes) accomplished in the organelles or other subunits. These changes in cells influence the behaviour of the "greater units", in our case, of animals (or human beings), so they begin to "change". The changes in the thoughts and behaviours of humans influence the constitutions of the societies! As a consequence of this continuous changeover all life forms have developed some kind of "detectors" (sense organs) to get information about the environment around themselves. The data gathered by these sense organs must reflect the correct situations around the beings; otherwise, "consciousness defects (or reasoning distortions)" arise in the "interpreting systems" of organism. (And now the crucial question: which kind of organism in the world has the "worst interpreting system", and hence "the greatest reasoning distortion"?)
The main difference between humans and others lies in the constitution of their brains. In all comparable animals (mammals) the brain has relatively more nerve cells for sensory and motor area than in humans. Human beings have an extremely developed, "association area", therefore more nerve cells occupied for this purpose than for sensory or moving parts. Its implication is that all comparable animals could "see, smell, hear, move or sense any way better" than humans so that they have solved their problems within their bodies. As a consequence of this highly matured association area in their brains humans have a quite distinctly developed consciousness level and begun to solve their problems outside their body wall! Humans protect themselves against coldness by building houses; against unfavourable weathering conditions by building water dams; for food gathering sophisticated tools and weapons, etc.. This distinct behaviour of humans called also as culture development! From these observations we can make a definition for humans: Humans are community building and world wide living mammals, able to produce their own cultural products to solve their problems, not within but outside their bodies. This outside realm is but the environment we have to share with all other life beings. Therefore this type of humans should be called Homo socialis! And consequently "human rights" should be deserved only to life beings fitting to "Homo socialis" definition. This definition imposes huge responsibilities to humans: a) they must develop cultures to solve their problems, but these developments must be compatible with world wide ecological conditions. b) Culture developments are only possible when human beings behave socially (one person alone can not even make a pin); therefore they are dependent of each others. Because of world-wide living environments of humans, they must also collaborate world wide, because the air and water we need and use are in commune use of all beings. These statements are natural requirements, but humans do not execute them. Why? Because the brains of our children are fed automatically (via traditions) with 2 or 3-dimensional data (a constant world without any change, endless time, second life after death, "a soul in hearts instead of cellular processes in our bodies", etc.), but we are living in a 4-dimensional world, consequently the reasoning systems of our brain cells could not be "wired" properly in the appropriate time, which must be nearly the ages between 5 to 10! Therefore we develop a defective consciousness system through our traditions! One of the most destructive aspects of consciousness defects is observable in the understanding of "community or society": For most people it means an association of the same tribe with the same language (and not "to specialise in different fields and exchange their services mutually"). This behaviour leads to underdevelopment in such communities, because: a) not all individuals of a tribe are good(!) enough to produce useful service, so that social life development must be always behind others; b) all other communities are seen as potential enemies, so that much of the incomes are channelled to defence purposes.
Figure 10: Functioning of human brains. Association area of human brains are more developed than sensory or motor area, in contrast to all other animals. They can build huge amounts of "scenarios" from a few sensory data. This is the weakest and strongest peculiarity of humans because they can invent and improvise with these few data huge ideas. Therefore these data must be very reliable. The slightest deviations from the reality can induce great reasoning disorders. Furthermore the data shouldn't be dogmatic, because the life are due to continuous changeovers. If the data stored in brain are DOGAMTIC, then the pathway (a) is effective; if the data are OBSERVATIONAL, then the pathway (b) is effective.
3.2.1. The Effects of Authoritarian Systems on Social Life.
About ten thousand years ago human beings started to became socialised. Until then they had a hunter - gatherer life like other animals. At the start of socialisation social rules were set not by pluralistic participation but by individual determination (authoritarian system = leadership), which lasted with minor changes (including participation of some classes) to our days.
Because the wealth and prosperity of the society were wholly on shoulders of the leader, he imposed that the people had to behave as he ordered. In order to appropriate these orders to themselves, the people had to be drilled in the childhood; otherwise it was impossible to let accept all the orders to the people. (In childhood the persons can accept all the stuff they got, but in adulthood, they accept only the "reasonable" ones.) This was the first "fatal error" the humanity has done. Why?
The first part of life development (the childhood) is the most effective one by the construction of consciousness system. If the brain cells of children are conditioned according to the concepts of leaders (which must be authoritarian, and consequently dogmatic), this develops dogmatic behaviour by them, so that they can't adapt themselves to the changing conditions of the world and are unable to solve the changing problems, or they can't understand easily the behaviours of other people because they are conditioned dogmatically. So are developed all the different ethnic traditions and behaviours. Each one pretend to be "righteous". This is the major barrier to overcome in understanding between people. Because the authoritarian system requires perfect obedience, the people can't develop individual creativity, which is one of the main problems, diminishing the life standards of humanity. The leadership-dependent educational systems are also the main obstacles by transitions from authoritarian to democratic systems, because they are accustomed to passive behaviour. Because the consciousness system of people got defective in this manner, they couldn't understand the illogic in their traditionally systems.
Authority imposes one directional respect development in social life systems: children have to respect their parents; slaves have to respect their masters; people have to respect their leaders, etc.. In authoritarian systems "being respectful" means "to accept and adopt the ideas or the orders of the authority without any interrogation". We can call this kind of behaviour (i.e. one directional respectfulness) also as "dogmatic behaviour". Depending on the orders of the leaders, the dogmatic behaviour can reach from slight obedience to slavery; from a light sympathiser to fanatic supporters or partisans; from harmless stooges to persons committing assault suicide in the midst of a public crowd with bombs buckled on their body; from bodyguards to assassins, etc.. The consequences of this or that kind of dogmatic behaviour are very dramatic: nearly all states on the world are confronted with conflicts due to such kinds of dogmatic thoughts; the peaceful life of a society can be suddenly disrupted by the slightest signal!
Zenon's paradox is a good example to show how the cells of human brains are organised to solve their problems. Achilles race against a tortoise; Achilles can run ten times more swiftly than tortoise, therefore 100 m advance is given to tortoise. The race begins.
Normal Thinking: while Achilles runs the 100 m advance in 10 seconds, tortoise can run only 10 m; in the next second Achilles runs another 10 m while the tortoise can run only 1 m so that the tortoise is outrun already in 11 seconds.
Influenced Thinking: while Achilles is running the 100 m advance, the tortoise runs another 10 m; while Achilles is running this 10 m, the tortoise runs another 1 m; while Achilles is running this 1 m, the tortoise runs another 1/10 m; while Achilles is running this 1/10 m, the tortoise runs another 1/100 m; while Achilles is running this 1/100 m, the tortoise runs another 1/1000 m; and it continues so on. That means Achilles can never catch or outrun the tortoise!
Only very potent brains can understand the illogic in this behaviour; normal human brains can't understand it.
Authoritarian systems are very effective influencing factors. As the example above evidently show, an influenced brain lose its ability to solve a problem. Because all human societies (had) have their own authoritarian leaders, most people can be influenced so that they can think only as they leader wish (the very bright ones are defeated). This is clearly observable in the organisational structure of human societies.
Figure 11: Comparison of Authoritarian and Synergetic Systems
Homo socialis
In the nature the hierarchical system is from (bottom) small components to (top) greater units. That means: societies or states are designed and constructed by humans; humans are designed and constructed by their cells; cells are designed and constructed by their components; an so on; the effective forces lie always on the bottom or on the side of smaller components. This natural system is called synergetic system (SS). But the traditional hierarchies are from top to bottom: societies or states are governed by persons representing the holy force; humans are subjects of the governors or lords; and there are no cells or other kinds of smaller subunits at work! This is the authoritarian or traditional system (TS)! Thinking in authoritarian system influence humans so that they can evaluate only "from top to bottom"; they can't organise themselves to social units; they need a leader! Thinking in synergetic system let humans evaluate from "bottom to top"; they can organise themselves easily to social units; there are no leaders, but coordinators.
In TS the individual (Homo subordinatus) feel the governing force in a superior position outside their bodies; in SS the individual (Homo socialis) feel the governing force within their bodies, in an inferior position. In TS they are influenced from an other (superior) individual; in SS they feel the natural assembling force. In TS they behave according to the instructions of their "lords"; in SS they build self organising units. The crucial difference lies in the interpretation of the MAIN FORCE: In TS there is no agreement on the definition of the MAIN FORCE therefore so many ethnic groups; but in SS there exists a consensus, because it is explained in natural scientific terms.
As one can see from the comparison of the two different systems, there are great discrepancies between them. In the left one these are "leaders" who should be taken into consideration, whereas in the right one cells should be taken into consideration because those are the mediators of the main effective forces. But unfortunately nowhere in the world exist a society who is aware of this reality and humans haven't slightest idea about the consciousness systems of their "creators". The main cause of this reasoning disorder is the paralysing effect of the authoritarian systems on the organisation styles of the brain cells as shown in Zenon paradox. Human's thinking oriented from top to bottom, i.e. authoritatively, are searching subordinates to govern; each one try to be "a head, an authority" in a domain. This behaviour leads inevitably to continuous splitting. Human's thinking oriented from bottom to top, i.e. synergetically, are searching subunits to make new combinations. Therefore they are acting not splitting but unifying!
Democracy is the natural consequence of synergetic systems (designing and constructing of social systems by individuals); but humans are misinterpreting the democracy because their reasoning system is so defect, that they are still thinking in authoritarian system "from top to bottom", so that they are unable to think from "bottom to top"; that is why the democratic system is functioning so miserably (especially in societies being influenced strongly authoritatively). All authoritarian leaders (or lords) are (were) individual members of a society; and being so, the probability that their "dogmatic thoughts" may reflect the common sense or common interest of a society is (1/n), where (n) is the total of population. That is why it is very seldom that an authority may bring up social rules satisfying the needs of a society.
The reason that USA is the most powerful society of the world lies in the diagram shown above. There was no authoritative force from top, because the people were so cosmopolitan that no one could impose his dogmatic knowledge to others. This lack of authoritative force from top caused that synergetic system could be effective and they organised according to natural system, although they didn't know the theoretical background of this natural laws and they have still so much reasoning disorders, that they couldn't establish an ecologically compatible social system organisation.
Association area of human brains are more developed than sensory or motor area, in contrast to all other animals. They can build huge amounts of "scenarios" from a few sensory data. This is the weakest and strongest peculiarity of humans because they can invent and improvise with these few data huge ideas. Therefore these data must be very reliable. The slightest deviations from the reality can induce great reasoning disorders.
The sensory organs of a body are the sole mediators of the cells inside of the body-wall; with their help they can evaluate the conditions in the outer environment. Therefore all the visual, auditory or other kind of data we transmit to our cells must reflect the real conditions of the environment we live in. Because the brains of our children are fed automatically (via traditions) with 2 or 3-dimensional data (a constant world without any change, endless time, second life after death, "a soul in hearts instead of cellular processes in our bodies", etc.), but we are living in a 4-dimensional world, consequently the reasoning systems of our brain cells could not be "wired" properly! Therefore we develop a defective consciousness system through our traditions! This lead to severe consciousness defects which are the main hurdle in human understandings
If humans are fed with dogmatic knowledge, which are inevitably unchangeable, so they lost their ability to solve the continuously changing problems.
We are living in a continuously changing and metamorphosing universe, but the brain cells of our children are conditioned in the early childhood with dogmatic rules, making life unintelligible for them. The consequence is that we are ruining the future of our children, without being aware of that "we are cutting our throat". Nearly all nations are aware of the fact that the consciousness system of children are not completed until the age of adulthood. That means, that they can be fed with wrong or right data in this period. That bring us to the solution: Nothing should be taught in childhood, what couldn't be taught in adulthood! The reason is following: If it is true what we intend to teach, then we can teach it also in adulthood, because the reasoning system of humans can accept all reasonable items in adulthood. But if the items we intend to teach are not to accept in adulthood, then it can't be true!
This should be incorporated in the children-rights concepts of UNESCO, to make the first step towards a peaceful world.
2- Or 4-Dimensional Consciousness Systems.
Since the discovery of subatomic particles and the energy-matter exchanges our consciousness has settled from a 3-dimensional to a 4-dimensional one. The geologic-paleontologic researches of the last century has corroborated the 4-dimensional nature of our universe. Accordingly we are living in a continuously changing and metamorphosing universe, where the ratio of the changeover is called "4th dimension = time". People who are aware of the natural scientific facts and rules of the nature and of historical developments of humanity, can develop a 4-dimensional consciousness and behave accordingly, i.e. they understand the evolutionary development and interwoven relationship of organic and inorganic "world". People with stronger traditionally influenced education have difficulties in adaptation to 4-dimensional consciousness, even if they have a well natural scientific education afterwards, because the neuronal networks in the brain concerning 4-dimensinality are established nearly in the ages between 5 to 10. Traditional consciousness is either 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional. What is a 2-, or 3-dimensional consciousness?
If we trace back the development of humanity, we see that human beings began to develop a social life first about ten thousand years ago. Since then they have left oral or written remnants from which we can deduce their consciousness-level. Sumerian cuneiform scripts on clay tablets are the most important ones among them. They reveal that Sumerian has a 2-dimensional consciousness-level; namely, they world consists of a flat earth like an inverted dish in an ocean. The space below this flat earth is called "great below", which is thought also as 2-dimensional, "where dwell the underworld or chthonic deities". The space above the earth is called "great above", "where dwell sky gods". Accordingly, the Sumerian universe consists of three sandwiched layers; Heaven, Earth and Hell. (Consequently the terms like "heaven and hell" are cosmological parts of Sumerian thoughts. In 3- or 4-dimensional concepts, they haven't any locations!)
In 2-dimensional consciousness system there is only one direction, where objects can stay: from bottom to top. They lack the gravitational consciousness, so that they thought, the earth can not be spherical, because the people on the reverse side couldn't stay there; they had to fall down!
This consciousness system lasted until Newton'ian time, with some small changes, e.g. the border of the flat earth extended to Atlantic Ocean to the west, and India-China to the est. With the discovery of gravitational force, people began to develop a 3-dimensional consciousness system, where the world and solar systems are thought as spherical units. This 3-dimensional concept is still the dominant one on the world. In term of consciousness, 1-dimensionality is the "simplest level" of consciousness, like in animals. The "world" of the newborns consist of themselves and the immediate stimulants around them. Consequently, 1-dimensional consciousness could be attributed to them and to people before civilization era, who clearly managed a wild life styles
When humans started space researches and astronauts begun to live and travel in satellites in a nearly weightlessness conditions, bone and muscle loss have been observed in their bodies. Nearly in the same decades biologists revealed the "apoptosis rule" among cell-colonies like human bodies. And the bone and muscle loss under weightlessness conditions get cleared: Cells in our bodies have their own rules and their own consciousness system. When they are in space where the gravity force is diminished, they feel this weightlessness and behave accordingly: Their living conditions have been changed; and they have to adapt themselves to those new conditions. Cells feeling no need for their services are to go! That is one of the main orders written in their standard DNA-book, and each cell has to carry out those orders. After those discoveries, to overcome bone and muscle loss of astronauts, many training equipment were mounted to spacecraft and vigorous exercise lasting several hours are carried out daily by the astronauts, to give the cells the feeling, that they are not useless for the body and dosn't need to commit suicide (apoptosis).
Another aspect of cell-consciousness is observed in our "bad or good habits".
Habits are the consequence of "award list constructions" of the cells, being a part of the cell consciousness system. From the viewpoint of the cells the adaptation to the changeovers in the environment is very important. To make this task easier cells invented the "reward principle"; a principle applied by all cell-colonies. For this reason, each repeated behaviour of the body are assumed by the cell-colonies as to be rewarded, and consequently added to the list of "awards". Each time when "this act" remembered, an award, an hormone, like dopamine, are secreted and the body is encouraged to do this "act". This is called as "habit, habitude". If your cells added some acts like "smoking or gambling" to the list of awards, then you can't omit these tasks.
The case of addiction is to explain best by morphine. Today nearly all countries are confronted with narcotic problems and no one could have mastered this matter. The lack of success in this matter is wholly up to cell consciousness. Here is the explanation: Cells communicate with chemical substances. They have receptors on their surfaces for this purpose and when some "known" chemicals stick to them (according to "lock and key" principle), they transmit this message to the appropriate cell-organelles and the required action are done. Take morphine as an example. This chemical have nearly the same structure as endorphin, which acts as painkiller among the nerve cells. (When some body parts are injured, endorphin is secreted and sent to the cells of injured body parts. Therefore we don't feel any pain at the moment of injury.) Now, when someone take morphine, this chemical is distributed throughout the whole body and morphine molecules stick to the appropriate receptors of the cells. The cells get the message "painkiller" although they haven't any pain. Human bodies are a sheet to the cells inside them, with the appropriate sensory attachments like eyes, ears, nose, etc.. These organs have the duty to reflect the conditions ruling in the environment outside of the body to the cells inside of the body. When some acts are repeated by bodies, these acts are added to the list of "habits" and are rewarded as described above. Additionally when some of these habits include elements used by cells for their intern communications (like endorphin ( morphine) then the thresholds of the cells are risen continuously, because the cells were given "painkiller = morphine", whereas they haven't any pain. So the cells were forced to assume that the conditions were changed towards more endorphin concentrations so that they have to rise their thresholds. And now when the cells have risen their thresholds for a particular substances, they need ever more of these substances for their internal equilibrium. When the amount of this substances fall below the threshold, they must feel pain. Because the cells determine our behaviour, we must follow their instructions and seek more morphine. The sole solution of drug addiction problems is to instruct humans about their cell-controlled nature, that they have to be very careful by doing or trying anything more than once, because of a possible false instructions of the cells.
As we can see, it is wholly up to our cells and to their consciousness level, how we have to behave. We can not change their consciousness system easily. It is our traditional and educational life styles which shape our consciousness system. We have to be very careful in doing or teaching some things; especially in the childhood, because the consciousness system of our cells are shaped mainly in this time interval.
We can conclude from these data that the creator(s) of humans (or other life beings) are their cells; it is wholly up to the information of the cells, how an human being has to develop. Not only the shape and structure of our body are controlled by the cells; also our emotions and behaviours are wholly influenced by our cells (Birbaumer 1993). Our cells gather information from the environment outside their body wall through their sensors (eyes, noses, ears, etc.) and evaluate, interpret them and announce their decisions via appropriate chemicals or waves to the body parts, so that the relevant organs behave accordingly.
If someone doesn't have the habitude to eat regularly, just in the amount as the body cells needs, but irregularly and more than normally at that times, then the cells assume: "in the outer world, there is not always something to eat, therefore it is necessary to eat as much as possible if offered and to store them for times of scarcity or shortage!"
If you fed your cells with the instruction that your life were dependent on "soul", how can you expect from your cells that they develop a sound consciousness system to carry on an healthy life? They are not charged with any responsibility; they were said that the healthiness is in control of a "soul"?
The importance of distinction between cell consciousness and human consciousness is clearly visible in the following question: "How are you?"
Nearly all human beings are meaning with this question: "Have you any problems within your body?" This is quite a senseless question, because the conditions within our bodies are subjects of our cell consciousness systems; neither you nor the person itself have direct influence on their behaviour. (Indirect all systems are of course in mutual relationships.)
The problems within the body wall are problems of the cells, if you are bothering with those problems, then you are intervening in the realm of cell consciousness, because these are in their responsibility. And just that is the case among all human beings. Why are they intervening in the cell consciousness systems, and don't bother with their own consciousness realm? That is the result of traditionally induced reasoning distortions.
Humans are community building and world-wide living mammals, able to produce their own cultural products to solve their problems, not within but outside their bodies (=Homo socialis).
That is the definition of humans. Their consciousness system has to deal with problems concerning their cultural products, their social life organisations, etc.. Why then are humans not indicating with the question "how are you?" "Have you any problems within our society?"
That is the starting point for solutions of all our problems! If all humans begin to ask the question in this sense to each other, then they will begin to think themselves about the solution of their problems and don't wait for a "saviour"! That will be the transition from "Homo subordinatus" to "Homo socialis"!
The maturation of our cell consciousness begins with birth; when the baby pass through 2 to 5 months interval, it develops a 3-dimensional perception of objects. (If the brain cells are hindered to observe and touch the objects in the environment, for example by wrapping the eyes with something during this time interval, then this person can never again develop a perfect ability to perceive the depth of objects!).
When you bypass the age interval ca 1-5 to develop the language skill of your child, then your child can never develop a perfect language skill by later instructions.
When she (or he) get ca 5 years old, the questions start "How am I born? What is birth? What is death? What is life? What is a society? What is school? , etc.." That is then the time for development of "space-time" concept and to make a clear-cut distinction between the cell life and human life by them. If this time interval (ca 5-10 years) are passed, then your child can not develop a good functioning consciousness system about 4-dimensionality (changeover and metamorphosis system of nature) and social life organisation, because the brain cells have their proper time concepts for their consciousness development, as indicated above. The history of Genie from California is a good example of such a case (Bloom and Lazerson 1988). Therefore the time interval between ca. 5 and 10 years should be used very carefully: That nothing in the world is constant; that all 3-dimensional objects we see, are due to continuous changing; that all life beings are also objects of this changeover systems; that birth and death were changes in the life cycles of cells; that the life span of a cell-colony (of an human!) depends mainly on the target or goal of the colony; that our cells were designers and constructors of our bodies; that our sense organs were observatories of our cell-colonies; that we have to fed our cells with only reliable data; that otherwise their reasoning system could have been distorted; that we doesn't have to bother about our health, because these are a matter of our cells being our creators; that societies are colonial life-styles among humans similar to that of human bodies build up by cells, etc..
By not doing so, we are disturbing and ruining the proper development of the consciousness systems of our children, their health, their future! Therefore we have to distinguish between cell consciousness and human consciousness systems. If we begin to understand how far cell consciousness reaches, then we can limit our interventions to their realms, for example, we can avoid giving or taking medicaments haphazardly; or we may not pour anxiety or phobia into their consciousness system. The main target of human consciousness should be focused on development social life structure, education systems, urbanisation, etc., in short terms: on their own products. Because social life is a continuum of normal animal life development on the earth, the same synergetic rules must be applied also to the social life organisation. Social life is a symbiotic partnership system similar to the cell colonies building our bodies. If certain cells are not needed, they are externalised; and all externalised cells must go cell-suicide, (or they try to build their own unit and became a tumour.) The same behaviour are observed by human societies: If you make unequal treatment between the members of a population, then they are compelled to build another social unit, and the splitting continues so on. This is the case in societies with "parties" or other ethnic divisions. Humans have problems with each others. This means that they have been fed with different kind of knowledge about "the social life". In the nature there is only one kind of rules for each unit. If there are many kind of rules about the social life organisations, then the most of them (if not all) must be false.
But our efforts are focused more on the realm of cell consciousness. Is there any sound reasoning in this behaviour?
As revealed by quantum physical researches the smallest parts of matter have also their consciousness systems. (By experiments, electrons or photons produced and send to opposite directions with light velocity show the same behaviour! Although no communication faster than light is possible and the quantum particles show the same behaviour, they must have their own consciousness systems, which may be called quantum consciousness!) The physical, chemical, geological, astronomical and astrophysical researches reveal that our world and cosmos are developed in the same manner, i.e. through stepwise accumulation of small parts. All those natural scientific developments led to the birth of a new scientific field called SYNERGETICS. Consequently we can say that all our world and cosmos are regulated by synergetic rules, i.e. from small parts to greater units by self organisation system! This would mean that the rules for a social life system construction shouldn't be set by authoritative leaderships, but by accumulation of pluralistic knowledge. Hence democracy should be re-interpreted.
It is the "knowledge" stored in the "cell-book" that influence and guide the cells to construct their colonies, i.e. our bodies. The influencing and guiding factors for humans in constructing a social structure can't be others then "knowledge". Because the social life is a continuum of natural life development on the earth, its rules are to be derived from natural scientific data and rules. A basic "SOCIETASE" book must be established for a world-wide common "knowledge".
From those relations and data we can interfere the role of "knowledge" (consequently consciousness) in the building and development of life-systems: the more reliable the "knowledge", the better the adaptation of "body" to the environment. If we humans have many social problems, this is a clear indication that our "knowledge" is not reliable, because of the "consciousness defects" described above.
If we have some kind of illnesses or alikes, this is due to the fact that the cells writing their inheritage (knowledge) to their descendants have made mistakes, or have misinterpreted their environmental conditions. If we intend to build a ecologically compatible and stable social life system, we must describe the environmental situations we experience exactly, unbiased and impartially and hand them down in real form to our children. (Our ancestors couldn't detect the different energy fields and waves so that they have created metaphysical terms and ascribed the phenomena they have observed to them. All metaphysical phenomena and terms like demon, satan, djin, fairy, etc. are interpreted to day with physical forces.) Most of our today's problems are the results of "false" information, due to either misinterpretations, or intentional wilfully misinterpretation by people whose life is dependent upon this. The most widespread misinterpretations lie in the interpretation of "God". The scientists, especially the natural scientists, shouldn't give the opportunity to the intentional wilfully misinterpretation by people whose life is dependent upon this. The natural scientists reveal the existence of the driving forces of nature and "some groups" use these data as arguments of their beliefs, although their books describes quite different things! Therefore all natural scientists should make a clear-cut definition of their research results and describe the natural forces as they are in reality. They should describe the "god" as their research results indicate, and not as interpreted 2 or 3 thousand years ago!
Consciousness symposiums (and Tokyo 99 declaration) are very important instances, where human beings write their actual "knowledge" and "experiences" about the world they live in, to hand them down to their descendants in order to facilitate them the construction of their social life structure. We have to review the legacy of our ancestors (our traditions) and make the required changes and hand down this "scocietase book" to our descendants. The first step to this task may be "establishing a new scientific department to be called SOCIETY ENGINEERING". That is our duty.
It is "knowledge" accumulation over 3.5 billion years in the cell-books that led to the diversification (biodiversity) in the organic world of today's. When knowledge accumulation in a cell reaches a certain threshold, it gives birth to a new stem-cell generation, i.e. a new species. The same rule is also valid in social life development, as seen in the table showing the developments of "knowledge" accumulation during the human history.
All "knowledge" are stored in organic compounds in our brain cells. Because all organic compounds disaggregate in time, forgetfulness is inherent in all beings. Therefore traditions are very important, because they remember us continuously to our past and so our brain cells re-build and remind us of our past. Consequently all traditional "knowledge" must be appropriate to the real historic developments of the individuals and these "knowledge" should include our cell-bound histories, and not "a creations of mud".
There is no "generatio spontaneus" and the forces governing our cosmos are not "almighty and omniscient"; the "knowledge and natural laws" arise by "trial and error" through a stepwise development in nature, whereby energy is converted and bounded in different material structure enabling so different kind of interaction systems ("polarised" structures). Social life is a continuum of natural life development on the Earth and is subject to natural scientific rules. Therefore the natural scientists (and not others) have to set the rules to be effective in social life systems, because the reasoning system of others are more likely to be false-oriented according to Schachter's thesis. And the crucial question here is: "what should be the binding (or interacting) force in social life?" The paleobiological development of life on the earth reveals the answer: a symbiotic life style in mutual interdependence, where each participant has to specialise in one profession and give service to others, whereby he gets all other services from other participants. And that should be the definition of society!
Laws or social regulations are like enzymes in the cells; they facilitate the process, lowers the activation energy of the facts to be done.
(As we can deduce from spectroscopy, energy is stored and converted into "knowledge" also in inorganic matters because each "matter" has its own "peculiar" energy release.)
Also in social life, all phenomena are fulfilled by "knowledge" which is also a senseful combination of small parts (being words, or bits of 0 or 1).
Beginning with quanta and continuing with atoms, molecules and cells, each ones having their own "consciousness" each subunit sense the environmental conditions around and function accordingly. These are the humans who should have the appropriate "knowledge" to build a community. Humans living on the earth share the same natural scientific knowledge to build their technological needs. The technological improvements were achieved because the societies gathered their information from "communal sense organs like observatories or other objective detectors = instruments" yielding natural scientific data. But in the matter of social life structure, they diverge because they don't use the same devices (hence natural scientific data), but imaginary data which led to consciousness defects. And the main consciousness defect lie in the understanding of driving force(s) of life and nature. Centuries (millenniums) long humans have searched their creator (both for their bodies, as well as for their societies), not within but outside their bodies. Because they searched at wrong direction, they couldn't localise it. Therefore they have assumed "imaginary" creator(s) being lord of their bodies and their societies, each one being more or less described differently. This error resulted in the disorder, chaos, turmoil, muddle-headedness of our days. "The best of guides are the natural scientific ones" said one savant.
- These are false informed cells, who let us behave unreasonably.
- These are false informed cells, who let us have bad habitudes.
- These are reasoning disorders that let us make war.
- These are reasoning disorders that make terrorist or assassins of humans.
- These are reasoning disorders that make slave or lord of humans.
- Because of reasoning disorders we are carrying on an ecologically incompatible life styles.
- Because each one has a different kind of reasoning disorder, humans are generally debating without a final agreement.
- These are reasoning disorders that let humans have so many social problems.
- And reasoning disorders arise through misinformation of our cells.
- Because life is only a step in a continuous changeover system, its aim and scope should be the integration into this evolving system.
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Questions to be answered:
1- Where do we get information needed for our interpretations? According to this information, what kind of a world do we live in? Does it continuously change or is it something eternal?
2- How are the changeovers triggered and how do they proceed? What are the basic properties of quanta and their cumulative effects on development of higher levels of organisations? What is knowledge? What properties does it have? How is knowledge transmitted? Is “knowledge” the driving force behind the evolution?
3- What is the difference between living and non-living? And how is life developed on our planet throughout Earth history?
4- Does the development of natural life have any common ecological rules? What is co-evolution? Are human communities a continuum of the development of natural life on our planet? If so, by not-noticing such ecological life-rules, will the humans not destroy their future?
5- Why do humans live in communities? When they began to live in communities? Where did the first civilisation start to flourish?
6- How was our world and universe interpreted by our ancestors?
7- How are our thoughts and behaviours organized and controlled? What are the relations between our cells and our bodies? Who builds who? Who controls whom? (Chicken and egg problem!)
8- What are our sensory organs for? What kind of data should be transmitted to the cells inside the body? What will happen if some unreliable data are transmitted to the cells in the brain? Will the reasoning of those brains not be defective? (Reasoning defects!) What is the influence of dogmatic rules on the development of human intelligence or reasoning?
9- Evolution of “knowledge processing” through time, and the role of knowledge in future development of humanity.
Finally: Does "it or HE" starts with smaller units and proceeds to greater, composite units, or vice-versa? How this "POWER" organizes and governs the nature? Does "it or HE” influence the units directly or through "some selected persons"?
Having the answers to the questions cited above, we will get an agreement on the definition of "God".
Evolutions of Animal Life: The Role of “Knowledge” in the Dvelopment of Evolutionary Phenomena
To evaluate the development of human-intelligence we have to plot human achievements in a time chart; it yields an exponential curve, like y = kebx. Humans are integrated levels of cells; consequently, if we take the derivation of their intelligence-level-curve, we could get the intelligence-level-curve of cells. As we know, the derivation of y = ex -function yields always y = ex. Indeed, plotting cell achievements (i.e. fossil records) in a time chart yields again an exponential curve, similar to y = ex. Cells are integration-products of organic molecules; molecules are integration-products of atoms; atoms are integration-products of quanta; consequently the fundamental particles of matters must have a basic intelligence-chip like y = ex, as indicated by weird quantum physical phenomena. That is the reason that a magnet-needle can sense all force-sources, calculates their relative influences and orients itself accordingly.
Suppose a report about a very effective motor-construction. In the hands of an educated person (case A), it is very valuable; he can fulfils great works! But how is the situation for a not-educated person (case B)? And what is the difference between these extreme situations? The difference lays in the organisations of brain-cells: Persons with appropriate education in reading have developed a neuronal network being alerted when confronted with appropriate writings; whereas not educated brains doesn't respond to such works. How will be the future developments around these two cases A and B? In the environment around A, the energy and raw material will be collected and a new motor is constructed; in the environment around B not! That may be the reason behind the patchy structure of our universe!
Genes are the equivalents of such "reports": cells store their experiences in the form of DNA codes and hand them down to their descendants, so that they can fulfil the presumed tasks easily. Hence matter-constructions are controlled and achieved by knowledge, so that it corresponds to bosons (force-carriers) of quantum physics!
Exponential developments require increasing force-applications on systems, resulting in accelerations. As paleontological records indicate, there must exist different force-levels or -systems, acting on different ecological systems. Because forces are energy-waves, they interfere with each-other. The explosive development of life forms at the begin of Cambrian has to be seen as a necessary corollary of cumulative results of exponential developments of intelligences.
Humans can transmit knowledge via electromagnetic waves and fulfil different tasks. Differently modulated waves are carriers of knowledge; electrons on the antenna of a receiver are moving according to the properties of the signal waves; the movements of those electrons induce electrical fields around them and the received signals can be converted to the desired forms: sound waves, TV-pictures, etc., so that knowledge transmission took place.
Similarly are determined and controlled the movements and behaviours of humans; when they see something, waves develop in their brains and trigger a cascade of reactions; according to their results, the body behaves. We are looking for new ideas, new publications. Reading them we get influenced and stimulated; so that new ideas are evolved and changeovers in the living environment took place. This system is also valid among other organism. The simplest organism of our world communicates with each other via plasmid transfer and lead to construction of new organic compounds. We can conclude that the forces behind organic evolutions are information or knowledge buildings.
To evaluate the development of human knowledge-buildings, we have to plot human achievements against time; it yields an exponential curve, like y = ex. Humans are integrated levels of cells; consequently, if we take the derivation of their intelligence-level-curve, we could get the intelligence-level-curve of cells. As we know, the derivation of y = ex -function yields always y = ex. Indeed, plotting cell achievements (i.e. fossil records) in a time chart yields again an exponential curve, similar to y = ex. Cells are integration-products of organic molecules; molecules are integration-products of atoms; atoms are integration-products of quanta; consequently the fundamental particles of matters must have a basic intelligence-chip like y = ex, as indicated by weird quantum physical phenomena. That is the reason that a magnet needle can sense all sources of force, calculates their relative influences and orients itself accordingly.
All things are made with the appropriate knowledge. Knowledge is partly inherited and partly newly established know-how’s to make something. The forces acting and influencing something or leading to construction of something are knowledge waves! Starting from atoms, molecules, to cells- and human-works, there is a hierarchically developed information-accumulation-system. All later developments are based and dependent on the information-system of lower-levels; without procariotic-know-how's, no eucariotic-developments! Knowledge to be passed on to offspring has to reflect the exact natural conditions of environments. Otherwise reasoning defects are inevitable.”
Evaluation of historical data shed light on the localisation and timing of the first civilisation on the earth, ca. 10 thousand years ago, at the submarine hills of the Persian Gulfs, being isolated land areas at that time. Data from geological and archaeological studies perfectly match with the Genesis chapter of Bibel and the data given in Timaios and Kritias, the famous works of Plato, describing the Atlantis civilisation (see Gedik 1992, 1998).
The cuneiform scripts of Sumerians reveals their worldview: the natural (physical) forces ruling in nature, were interpreted as living, immortal life-beings (gods); the beneficial effects of the natural phenomena as rewards and the disastrous ones as punishments of the god(s). Furthermore, they assumed gods as omniscient authority, instantly creator and proprietor of the earth and cosmos. Their world-view didn't include a combinatory cosmic structure from small into greater units, with changeovers between them. Therefore, their time concept was continuous, eternal and dependent on the life of their eternal gods. The comparative evaluation of the Sumerian beliefs, Old Testament, New Testament, Koran and actual life habits of our communities let suggest, that Sumerian thoughts and beliefs were adopted by later, mainly western, civilisations with only small modifications and constitute still the bulk structure of our actual traditional values. In this hereditary view, structure and organisation of our world is from top to bottom, from whole to the constituents; influencing and driving forces, too, are from higher to lower levels.
What are the relations between our cells and our bodies? Who builds who? Who controls whom? (Chicken and egg problem!)
To get a glimpse to the answer of this question, a paragraph from the course-text:
“The cells of an astronaut body in a space craft experience the weakness of gravity and underwent apoptosis, so that astronaut-body lost weight; indicating that we owe our existence to our cells, being planner, architects and controller of our bodies. The cells are constructed by still smaller components, like proteins. Proteins are information-carriers; they are polarized too, and act either as ligands to transmit some request, or as receptors to let fulfil some request.”
How are our thoughts and behaviours organized and controlled?
What are our sensory organs for? What kind of data should be transmitted to the cells inside the body? What results when some unreliable-data are transmitted to the cells in the brain? Will the reasoning of those brains not be defective? (Reasoning-Defects!) What are the influences of dogmatic rules on the development of humans intelligence or reasoning?
From course-text:
"The main difference between humans and others lies in the constitution of their brains. In all comparable animals (mammals) the brain has relatively more nerve cells for sensory and motor area than in humans. But humans have an extremely well developed, "association area" and less developed motor and sensory area! That means: humans have more cells in their brains for planning, forecasting, etc., than for moving or sensing their environments. Its results is that all comparable animals could "see, smell, hear, move or sense any way better" than humans; but humans can make more scenarios from the relatively few observational data than other animals. Humans can experience more vivid dreams, more hallucinations; humans can make more speculations, more future-scenarios, etc. than other animals! And that is the Achilles' heel, the weakest point of humans: The few sensory data they gather has to be very reliable! When sensory data reflect exactly the situations of the living environments, then the cells of the association-area can be wired appropriately, so that the developed scenarios match up to the environment. But if the sensory data doesn’t reflect the environmental situations, then the networking of the brain-cells will be not appropriate to the living environment; those brains will have reasoning defects!
The association area is situated on the neo-cortex and the main development of neo-cortex is during the childhood; i.e. after birth. That means that the main period for the networking of the cells in the association area is during the childhood. That is the crucial point: Nothing should be taught to children, that doesn't reflect the real conditions of the environment, not a single metaphysical term! (All metaphysical terms are products of reasoning-defective brains; then, human's thinking are achieved by their cells, if the brain-cells are fed continuously with appropriate data, than they will develop always senseful products, corresponding to the needs of the environment. If they produce metaphysical concepts, that means that they are fed with non-appropriate data about the environment, hence with reasoning-defects!)
Sensory organs like ear, eye, etc. are constructed by the cells to get information about the changeovers in the living environments. Therefore all data transmitted with sensory organs to cells inside of the body must be very reliable! And here lies the crucial point: The cells are aware of the fact that they are living in a continuously changing world, and therefore have left their progeny free in adapting to their new environments: that is why a chick accept the first-moving-object as her mother, an ant accept the first odour as her-own-home's odour, etc. By humans, the first educational data given during childhood must reflect the environment we are living in! All data not belonging to our environment will create reasoning-defects in the brains of our children, because our cells are created to live in this world and not elsewhere! Here lies the problem: Most humans, giving dogmatic, metaphysical concepts to the information-gathering-cells of their children, creates unintentionally reasoning-defects in their brains, without being aware of this fact! And that is done automatically, via traditions, so that it is turned up into a hereditary social-illness."
Nearly all humans have a lot of reasoning-defects. And our arrogance, that only humans were conscious, is a clear indicator of such a reasoning-defect, disabling them to build an ecological welfare-world. Therefore we couldn't think from bottom to the top, from parts to the whole.
Our world and universe undergo continuous changes and evolutions. These continuous changes and evolutions are existent in all scales, ranging from the smallest particles of matter (quanta), to galaxies and universe! Consequently time is a point of reference for these changeovers; and life being a span of time is steps of those changeovers. All organic and inorganic matters (from quanta to biggest structures) sense the forces influencing themselves and behave accordingly. The sensory organelles or organs were developed for sensing these forces. Structure and organisation is from constituents to the whole; smaller units develop in mutual interactions into greater units. But in traditional worldview, structure and organisation is from top to bottom, from whole to the parts. Also, influencing and driving forces are from higher to lower levels.
Our bodies are constructed by their cells, and cells develop to live in this world! Sensory organs (ears, eyes, etc.) are to gather information about living environments. Brain cells get wired according to those information. If the information gathered reflects the real conditions of the environment, the reasoning system of the person will (or may) be correct; if not, the reasoning system of the person will be defective! Humans with different cultures educate their children with different ideas about life. Until this century, the education system of one country was irrelevant to others, because they didn't interact strongly. Conditions changed considerably in the last century. Technological achievements (worldwide-satellite-communications, air-planes, internet, etc.) have interwoven the international relations, in such a way that educationally induced reasoning defects in one country may have beneficial or disastrous effects in other countries. Consequently, a worldwide applicable interpretation of life is unavoidable.
When cells in the brains of students are fed with appropriate knowledge, they will develop new synapses enabling them to think and behave more reasonably. That is the only way for a social life organisation at a global level. And globalisation of social life is a necessary corollary of technological developments, and this will be a matter of communication. People with common concepts on ecological life and human relations will easily communicate and understand each others. But, brains with reasoning defects will exhibit different anti-social behaviours, reaching from harmless to disastrous ones, like the attack of 11th September.
The main problem of humanity lies in the interpretation of "God". Nearly all humans, be they creationists, natural selectionists, or others, agree that there is a governing, regulating power in the universe. Therefore we have to ask the questions cited in the course syllabus and find the appropriate answers to get a compromise.
We are living in a continuously changing Nature. There is nothing what does not change. Changes are carried out by forces ruling in nature.
There exists a wide held belief that forces governing the nature are exerted by externally induced factors.
Some basic physical realities.
- All beings behave according to rules of probabilities.
- All beings tend to coalesce in order to reduce the energy consumptions.
Because all forces influencing the behaviours of beings are developed by mutual interactions of concerned items, humans too, have to behave in the same manner in order to establish a reasonable social structure. This kind of a behaviour development necessitate activeness of each person in society. When humans get aware of the fact that their future is dependent on their active participation in constructing the social orders ruling their communities, they will tend to make collaborations in all possible occasions (See the physical constraints leading to binding, coalescing or collaboration in the appended word-document). The internet-traffic including the Onlinebewerbung will enhance and facilitate this development.
When a certain amount of components are in an upper-level life system, then they have their own order parameter, slaving its components to behave according this orders. When this upper-level system life disintegrates into its components, called “death”, the components are free from this order parameter rules; but set to other external force-fields. Therefore, the more the beings are disintegrated, the more are the disintegrated parts subdued to interact with much more beings.
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