The importance of knowledge (consequently consciousness) in development of life systems.
If we look around us we can see houses, cities, streets, bridges, autos, ships, aeroplanes, computers, robots, factories, reed-huts, rawhide sandals, trees, weeds, fruits, birds, insects, horses, cats, etc.. When we try to classify those objects we can put them in three categories: (1)those designed and constructed by communities, (2) those designed and constructed by single humans and (3) those designed and constructed by cells!
Creation Of Life-Beings.
Now let us first begin to investigate the works of cells, how these are designed and constructed. Molecular biologists have unravelled many peculiarities of the "cell-books" written with the four letters mentioned above. There are "words (or syllables) and termination signals" of organic world (amino acids), consisting of "triplets" of those 4 nucleotides, hence discrete groups of three consecutive bases. As expected, these amino acids also are "polarised" and they build long chains of polypeptides whereby the carboxyl terminal group of one amino acid joins the amino terminal group of the next amino acid (peptide bonds). Genes came into being in this manner and are considered as "sentences" of the "cell-books". Each cell has messengers, translators and producers enabling them to get the necessary "knowledge" from the genes on the DNA and to manufacture their basic building materials (=proteins). What the proteins can all do is summarised in the figure below.
What can proteins all do. Having each one a different kind of geometric structure and a different kind of polarity, proteins can exhibit too many kinds of functions. Laboratory experiments have shown that proteins can easily and effectively convert many kinds of energy to each other as shown in the Figure (A). For example, a small shift in temperature can lead to structural changes and heat or motion can be converted to each other as shown in Figure (B): in low temperature this protein is in its long form and by a small dropping of T, it shortens, in contrary of inorganic materials. The ability of proteins to exhibit millions fold of different structural types enables the organisms to ditferentiate millions or billions of different objects. For example, in the active site of the protein in Figure (C) can fyt only a small molecule with quite distinct shape! (So are we able to smell the many kinds of odors, etc..) Some proteins act as enzyme and transform "substrate molecules" to "product molecule" and vice versa according to the needs of organism (Fig. E). As hormones bind the proteins themselves to the receptors of the appropriate cells (Fig.D) and triggers many kinds of biochemical reactions according to the needs of the organism. They can change the chemical conditions such pH, Eh, etc; they build the basic constitutional parts of the organism; in short, they are the main constituents of the organism. With the aids of proteins our body cells stores energy to maintain its order against the entropic forces of the cosmos and convert this stored energy to difierent forms as required. And so are developed our different kinds of emotions and behaviours.
And now a few words about genes (and consequently about proteins) from a molecular biologist:
"Genes are not merely genes. Genes come in different categories, some code for protein products which are required for nutrition and energy metabolism and are thus present in almost every cell of an organism. In this context we speak of "house-keeping" genes. Some other gene products become permanent parts of our bodies, like hair, finger nails, connective tissue and circulating antibodies - to name just a few. Others yet have no other task than to control whether the former are properly produced at the right point in time, whenever they are needed in the life of an organism. The problem behind these differences is readily stated. Every cell among the 6 x 1013 cells which comprise a human organism contains the same set of genes, the same genome. But, the 250 or so different cell types look very different. Red blood cells have different functions than kidney- or nerve cells, different functions again than the milk producing cells of the mammary gland. Thus, a mechanism has to exist which guarantees that a kidney cell expresses only those genes which it is required to express, while the others have to remain silent. They have to be turned off. This is achieved and decided along a stretch of DNA, termed the promotor, located upstream of the protein coding part of the genes. It contains sequence patches which can be recognised by control proteins in order to bind to them and thus to prevent the biochemical machinery from reading off the structural part of the gene. ... The gene thus has a bipartite structure. One part carries the information specifying a protein, the other part functions as a switch which decides whether a gene is turned on or turned off. Our genome thus is not just an assortment of genes, but rather a complex network in which genes act and interact with each other, occasionally in a hierarchical manner. .... Who or what sits on top of the genetic hierarchies? Who controls the controllers? In the cases of sex hormones, for example, like testosterone or progesterone or steroid hormones in general, they have cellular receptors which can act as gene regulatory proteins. In the absence of the hormone, the receptor protein remains inactive in the interior of the hormone responsive cells. In the presence of the hormone, the binding of hormone to the regulatory protein induces a conformational signal within the receptor protein which makes it to enter the cell nucleus, to bind to an appropriate regulatory sequence and thereby to induce the formation of appropriate proteins, in the case of sex hormones in the uterus or the ovary." (Winnacker 1994)
As pointed out in the paragraph above, there are no strict or distinct controllers, supervising all phenomena; each unit controls the behaviour of another units and is itself controlled by still other sub units. And this system is called synergetic system.
Creation Of Humans From Cell-Book Information.
If we look at the development of an human being, we can see and trace the stepwise development of an individual from a cell into an adult person according to the instructions of its "cell-book".
It begins with "polarisation" triggered by cells producing certain kinds of hormones like "follicle stimulating hormone" or others. Those stimulate other cells to function; the products of those cells stimulates other cells to function and so on ... a cascade of bio-physico-chemical reactions and interactions follow one another. Factors influencing the reproduction systems of humans produce "polarity feelings" bringing the different sexes together and allow the copulation and combination of their reproductive cells. The bio-physico-chemical reaction cascades mentioned above continues and the fertilised egg begins to divide, 2,4,8,16,32,.. After reaching a certain level (blastula phase), some hormones are produced as the consequence of the proceeding ones from a certain parts of the "units". (As in the general systems of life, all units in each step have some kind of polarity like "dorsal - ventral, head - foot, etc.. An egg also has its polarity). The concentration gradient of those hormones triggers different responses in different parts of the embryo and the "specialisation of cells" begins. So many kind of organs are developed.
This stepwise cascade of successive events continues also after the birth and the new-borns transform into adult individuals. Cell specialisation continues further and reproductive (sex) organs develop. Now it is their turn that the cells of reproductive organs make duplicates of the cell-books and hand them down to their offspring. Thus they make "some changes in some paragraphs of this book" according to the phenomena they have experienced in the environment they lived in. (The environmental conditions outside of the body are reflected within the body, indirect by the things we eat, drink, breath, smell or sense other wise; direct through radiation (like X-ray, neutrino or similar) going through our bodies and influencing directly the cells and their components.) So begins a new cell cycle and life continues. In this manner individual life becomes a small part of the greater evolutionary life cycle. (In the life process of an individual one can see the development of evolution: egg-phase, morula- blastula- gastrula-phases, fish-phase, reptile-phase, mammal-phase, disproportionate new-born, well proportionate teenager without any wrinkles, adult with beginning wrinkles, hunchbacked senile with many wrinkles and breakdown.)
Figure 5: Humans Life Cycle.When a child grows up, the reproductive organs develop and begin to function, i.e. they begin to re-write their hereditary "knowledge books".Each cell in the body has a "copy" of this book and the "jobholders" begin with the "re-writing". The "germinal epithelium cells" of the reproductive organs (ovary or testis) produce the first "copies" (oögonia or spermatogonia). Those are processed further within the body and the existing conditions of the environment are reflected to the writings. Because the living conditions of organism are due to continuous changes, the "copies" are produced always under different conditions and these changes are imperatively reflected to the copies. Therefore each "new cell-book" has more or less differences from those of their ancestors. For this reason each new-born has more or less different outlook than their parents. In this manner the cells have handed down their "experiences" to their offspring since the begin of life on the earth and today their descendants continue to follow the instructions written in those books and the life cycle goes on.
(Because there is a continuous changeover in the world and especially in the environment, each new "cell book" has slightly different contents, "according to the experiences of their writer". Therefore each new-born has a more or less different outlook than their parents.).
Common Pages Of Cell-Books In Different Organism Are The Results Of Common History.
If it is so that the cells have developed their own consciousness systems during a long life history, and diversified in this time interval, then the different life-beings of today's world must have some common epochs in their past and those "common history" must be still to observe in the cell cycles of these beings! And so it is indeed: as seen in the figure below.
Figure 6: Common pages of evolutions.
All the different developmental phases of the embryo are executed according the contents of "cell-books". Therefore, the embryonic developmental phases of different animals show similar embryonic stages, according the their common history. For example the fishes are one of the first vertebrates in the earth history, first occurrence ca. 500 millions years ago. The first amphibians occurred ca. 350 millions years ago. The first reptiles occurred ca 300 millions years ago; the first mammals occurred ca. 200 millions years ago and human beings occurred ca. 2.5 millions years ago. Accordingly, the cell-books of those different groups of animals must have different degree of "common pages", because each representative cell inherits the first part of their knowledge from the cells of their ancestors. This is clearly seen in the embryonic developmental phases of those animals, as shown in the figure. Human embryonic development has more "common pages" with rabbits than with turtle, quite less with sharks. In this figure we can clearly see the metamorphosis of a cell from a single celled "life habits of ca. 1-2 billion year ago" to the multicellular life habits without organs (ca 700 millions years ago), to the first vertebrates, like fishes where gills are clearly developed although they are unnecessary in later terrestrial life; and finally mammals and humans! This metamorphosis is called "evolution"! Evolution shouldn't be misinterpreted: A full grown rabbit doesn't transforms to a sheep; it is the eggs and sperms where some scripts of the genetic books are changed, so that the "to be developed animal" has to look differently. (Cells have adapted merciless procedures to realise the required changeovers. If some organs existent in the previous epoch of cell's ancestry are no longer required in the new environment then they must be removed from the scene! Therefore they have adapted "apoptosis (cell suicide) rules".
Figure 7: Apoptosis or cell-suicides.
As seen in the figures, a tail necessary for the earlier (fish) life but not for a terrestrial four-legged life is removed through apoptosis. The same rule is applied for the web between the fingers of human foetus.
We see that each unit of our cosmos (be it molecules, cells, or other smaller or greater units) has the ability to "sense" the conditions and situations around himself and react accordingly. If we define the consciousness as "the ability of a body to be aware of the situations and conditions in and around himself for adaptation to the environment and its continuously changing conditions", then we must accept that the cells must have also their own consciousness.
Cell Consciousness In Action.
Example 1.
Today we have ample evidence of cell consciousness in action. Biochemical mutants in micro-organisms such as Neurospora and Escherichia coli, resistance to DDT in flies, to penicillin in bacteria, and to the poison warfarin in rats can be shown to spread rapidly through their respective populations by cell consciousness. Recently it has been shown that certain grasses have developed tolerance to heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead, enabling them to flourish on the spoil from mines. Indeed they have become so well adapted to living in such conditions that they cannot grow on normal soil.
The peppered moth (Biston betularia) is very common in England and normally rests on the trunks and branches of trees where it depends on its cryptic coloration to blend in with the background. With the onset of industrialisation in England began also a "darkening" of the environment. The cells affected most seriously from those colour changes made the appropriate "corrections" in their cell-books and the first dark coloured specimens of Biston betularia, which is normally white speckled, come on the scene in 1840s.
"After that the number increased prodigiously in various parts of Britain. In the 1950s Kettlewell conducted an extensive survey on the relative abundance and distribution of the normal and melanic forms in different parts of the country and the interesting fact emerged that the melanic form abounded in industrial regions where smoke and soot from factory chimneys had blackened the bark of trees. Around Manchester, for example, the frequency of the melanic form exceeded 95 per cent. In non-polluted areas, however, the light form predominated. In the north of Scotland and the extreme south-west of England it even reached 100 per cent.
How can we explain this distribution? The peppered moth is preyed upon by birds, such as thrushes, which peck them off the trees. In polluted areas the dark form is almost invisible against the darkened tree trunks whereas the light form stands out like a beacon. In clean areas the reverse is true: the light form is admirably camouflaged against the background of unsooted lichens, but the dark form is very clearly seen. Kettlewell showed that in polluted areas such as Birmingham far more light moths were picked off the trees by birds than the better camouflaged dark forms, with the result that the frequency of dark moths was significantly higher. In non-polluted areas, however, it was mainly the dark moths that fell prey to the birds, so the frequency of light moths was higher." (From Roberts 1986)
Example 2 from an aquatic environment:
"Foundry Cove on the Hudson river has a unique distinction: it has perhaps the highest concentrations of toxic cadmium and nickel pollutants in the world. ...
About 40 years ago a military contract brought the manufacture of batteries to the site. Starting in 1953, industrial plants dumped more than 100 tons of nickel-cadmium waste into the cove and nearby river. The dumping continued until complaints by local citizens halted it in the late 1970s.
When Klerks and I first studied the cove in the early l980s, we found that as much as 25 percent of the bottom sediments consisted of cadmium. Nevertheless, many bottom-dwelling invertebrate species were no less abundant there than in the unpolluted muds of other sites. To learn why, we examined the cadmium tolerance of the most common invertebrate in the cove, an aquatic relative of the earthworm bearing the tongue-twisting name Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri.
We found that the Limnodrilus from a nearby cove died or showed clear signs of distress when placed in Foundry Cove sediments but that local specimens thrived and reproduced. We raised Foundry Cove worms in clean muds and examined their grandchildren; they too were tolerant of cadmium, which suggested that genes were largely responsible for the tolerance.
The evolution of cadmium resistance could have taken no more than 30 years. In fact, the genetic variability in nearby populations, together with the high mortality we measured, indicated that the degree of metal tolerance observed could have evolved in just two to four generations-or a couple of years. To prove the conclusion, we exposed worms from an unpolluted site to cadmium-laden sediment and bred the survivors. Sure enough, by the third generation, the descendants had two thirds of the cadmium tolerance found in the Foundry Cove worms.
This capacity for rapid evolutionary change in the face of a novel environmental challenge was startling. No population of worms in nature could ever have faced conditions like the ones humankind created in Foundry Cove. Yet although some species inhabiting nearby waterways are missing from Foundry Cove, most adapted to the unusual conditions.
The rapid evolution of tolerance for high concentrations of toxins seems to be common. Whenever a new pesticide is brought into use, a resistant strain of pest evolves, usually within a few years. The same thing happens to bacteria when new antibiotics are introduced. ..." (From Levinton 1992)
Natural Selection or Cell Consciousness?
The biologists use often the term "natural selection" instead of cell-consciousness. When we use the term "natural selection", we are ignoring the ability of the cells to adapt themselves to their environment. Are they the birds or other enemies who write the cell-books of the moths? They are surely the moths themselves who perceive the changeovers in the environment and make the required corrections in their cell-books! Hence the changeovers in organic world (=EVOLUTION) occurs through "knowledge accumulation" and not through "natural selection". In this manner the cells have developed quite different consciousness systems enabling them to build the multitude of different morphological types we encounter in the fossil records and we can still see in our biosphere.
This fact shows how far reaching the consciousness defects among the human beings are effective; even the natural scientist like biologist are not aware of this clear-cut conclusion.
The resistance development of bacteria against antibiotics indicates clearly that they are the bacteria who improve their "knowledge" and resist the antibiotics! (It has been also shown that bacteria can communicate and exchange "knowledge" via plasmids mutually.) (Kaiser & Losick 1993)
How Different Emotions Arise and How Those Emotions Are Incorporated Into The Consciousness Systems:
Here is a brief historical development of the studies on this topic (from Bloom and Lazerson (1988)): "In 1924, Gregorio Marañon published an important but essentially anecdotal study bearing on emotions. When he injected patients with epinephrine, Marañon wrote, about one-third of them said they experienced something like an emotional state. The rest said they felt no emotion but described a physiological state of arousal. The people who reported feeling emotional, however, carefully specified that they felt "as if" they were afraid, or "as if " something exciting were about to happen. When Marañon happened to talk with a few of these people about some important life event in their recent past -a death in the family or an upcoming wedding- their feeling lost its "as if" status and became full emotion whether grief or joy.
On the basis of Marañon's report and other evidence, Stanley Schachter theorised that in order to experience an emotion, both physiological arousal and a cognitive evaluation must be necessary. Neither one alone could produce a true emotional state.
In the best known of his experiments testing this hypothesis (Schachter & Singer, 1962), some subjects received an injection of epinephrine which they were told contained vitamins that would have an effect on visual skills. Control subjects received only a placebo, a saline injection, which they too were told contained vitamins. After the injection, subjects from both these groups were treated in one of three ways: (1) Some were told about the physiological effects of epinephrine. That is, without naming epinephrine, the researchers warned them that they might feel palpitations, tremors, and the like. (2) Some were given no information. And (3) some were misinformed. They were told that their hands and feet might feel numb, for example, or that they might have a slight itch or a headache.
After the injection and the explanation, each subject waited in a room with someone who said he was also a subject but who was actually a "stooge," part of the-experimental setup. Some stooges behaved euphorically, chuckling to themselves, playing basketball with the wastebasket, and so on. Others were highly irritable and insulting, becoming angrier and angrier until they left the room in a rage.
The experimenters observed the pairs through a one-way mirror, and later they questioned the subjects about their feelings. The epinephrine-injected subjects who had been informed correctly about the drug's effects showed and reported the least reaction to the stooges' behavior. Those who had been misinformed, who had physiological symptoms different from those they had been told to expect, were most influenced. They acted like the stooge in the waiting room and reported that they felt very happy or very angry, depending on which stooge they had been paired with. Those who received no information after injection reacted in a manner between that of the other two sets.
These results appear to confirm Schachter's thesis. If physiological arousal is induced (by injection or by an event) in someone who has no immediate explanation for it, the person will give an emotional label to that state based on his or her knowledge of what is going on at the time." Later studies confirmed the Schachter's thesis.
Consequently, our cells use the same "material" (here epinephrine) for their communications, but for its interpretation they need further data about the outer environmental conditions, which they obtain through sensory organs. According them, the "association of different neuronal cells took place = the same fact but different networking in the brain cells." It is up to the stuff we give to our children, how they develop their emotions. Therefore it is of outmost importance that we have to choose very carefully all that stuff we have to teach our children and to build our traditions. That is the reason why the same phenomena (like birth, death, wedding, sex, etc.) are interpreted so differently in the world, being the main obstacle in international relations.
And now let us consider the Human Consciousness system which can be studied in two different area: 1) Developments And Improvements In Technological Consciousness Systems Of Humans; 2) Straying In Sociological Consciousness System Developments.
Developments And Improvements In Technological Consciousness Systems Of Humans.
Creation Of Human Works.
Ten thousand years ago humans lived in villages consisting of timber and reed huts. Five thousand years ago they began to live in villages or cities made up of mud-brick-houses. Today we are living in villages or cities constructed of ferro-concrete-houses , connected to each other by bridges, railroads etc.. What were the factors forcing the humans changing their life or building styles?
Humans managed different tools with their hands, among them also stones. From the frictions of stones arose often fires, so that they discovered "fire", which can be described also as discovery of "conversion system of mechanical energy into heat energy (or fire)". By scratching different stone or plant materials they observed the different colours or shapes they left behind, so that they began to make figures, etc.. Humanisation began with simple stone tools; continued with tools like needle and spear made of combinations of wood - bones and stones; then came the "knowledge" of mining and tools of metals are produced; then came the "knowledge" of glass and ceramic and the kitchen culture developed rapidly; then came the "knowledge" of writing, the of book press, the of gravity (which changed our world view), the of motors (which enabled man to make transfers between different kinds of energy according to his needs), the of microscope and telescope (which enabled humans to gather information about the "micro and macro worlds"), the of energy - matter relations, the of computer technology, etc.. Each step in the development of the human culture was dependent on the preceding ones, each step triggered the development of other ones. So began and continued the accumulation of human knowledge and each individual (and new-borns) learned them through direct observation from the others.
Now when we investigate how the humans build their works, we get aware that they use some kinds of energy and some kinds of materials and construct new products with different outlooks according to a plan or other kinds of knowledge. How did humans gathered these plans or knowledge?
Figure 8: Historical development of human cultures: As we can see, humanity experiences an exponential consciousness development. In the most part of its 2.5 million years history, it couldn't achieve more then cutting stones. In the last 30 thousand years it experienced a rapid development. If we look at the works accomplished in the last ten thousand years of this time-span, we get aware that nearly all of them are products of a communal life system. (A single person can't even produce a pin alone!) This fact can be used to make a definition for humans: Humans are community building and world-wide living mammals, able to produce their own cultural products to solve their problems, not within but outside their bodies (=Homo socialis). The actual culture level of humanity isn't the legacy of a single race or ethnic group; it is the legacy of many different human races. Because the production of our actual cultural products are only possible with appropriate "knowledge" and in a communal life styles, there must be a "common human consciousness system".
The houses or other works they build are continuously under influence of some kind of forces, like X-rays, gamma rays, neutrino flows, sun radiation, gravity force, influences of different organism, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.. Most of these forces have "destructive" effects and weakens the "bonds" holding the components of the human works or other materials. Therefore after a due time all works begin to break up naturally. But environmental conditions have always strong fluctuations and some strong anomalies like a great storm or an earthquake could also destroy their works unexpectedly. So they begin to re-construct their works again and try to build it better than before. The building action also consumes energy. For example, he uses "heat" energy to convert clay and sand particles to mud-bricks; he uses mechanical energy to clinch bolt or nails, etc.. Some kind of energy is stored in each new combination product. Hence the "knowledge" consists of the procedure which kind of units or particles are to choose and which kind of energy is to apply them to obtain a new combination, or vice versa. In this way, the natural destructive energy are converted to constructive forms and "knowledge" arise.
Humans performs such tasks by testing (trial and error). In this manner humans have improved their knowledge level continuously. This led them to build "sense organs" like meteorological observatories, etc., to get information about the changeovers in the world they live in, for a better adaptation to them.
In sum, it is always the "energy" what acts as constructive or destructive on matters; and it is "knowledge" that let behave the matter-units (humans, cells, molecules, etc.) as constructive or destructive. Assume the following situation: There is a writing which includes certain kind of information. If some one is able to read and understand this writing, then he (or she) can performs the task, whereas for others it has no meanings. In this example, "the writing" is a "form" made up of matter with the influence of energy. This "form" contains both matter and energy (knowledge). Normally only the "matter part" can be seen. The "knowledge" component is visible only to persons (or units) having the same "knowledge" structure in their constitutional networks, being certain kinds of resonance systems. This is the way how energy creates polarity in the combination style of matters and build and transformed thereby into "knowledge". The life development described in the foregoing chapters are the best and most effective examples of such processes. Energy is continuously trying to make new combinations; therefore our brain cells are continuously in actions, day and night we are dreaming or daydreaming. These are tasks for developing "resonance systems" to perceive the "knowledge" stored in the earlier combinations or to make new combinations for building new "forms" capable for new energy storage systems.
Human works of today's are exclusively communal products (No one uses reed-huts or rawhide sandals in our days). Therefore the definition of humans must possess this attribute of commune sense.
Straying In Sociological Consciousness System Developments.
Whereas humans achieved great improvements in technological realms, the situation in sociological aspect is quite different. Since the begin of social life styles, which is clearly visible since ca. ten thousand years, humans have been investigating the structure and the driving and governing forces of the nature and themselves. But they couldn't come up with the performance obtained in technology. The reasons for this backwardness are outlined in Gedik 1998; see also website "" or "" for a detailed discussion. We try to give here a brief summary of the main steps in the organisation styles of social lives (of western culture).
The main steps in the development of human consciousness can be traced back from historical, archaeological and anthropological data (see figure **) and summarised as follows:
- First human beings appeared ca. 2.5 million years ago and was only able to produce small stone flakes from hard rocks and used them as cutting devices.
- About 500 thousand years ago they were able to control fire.
- Until about 30 thousand years ago there was no great differences between humans and other animals. Since that time there is a great improvement in the development of human consciousness.
- Ca. 25-30 thousand years ago, they began to think about "life and its creation" and produced the first pregnant female figurines as symbols of creativity.
- Ca. 15-20 thousand years ago they began to think about "time and life relations", concluded a second life after death; so began the entombing with (precious) belongings.
- Ca. 10 thousand years ago they were compelled to develop a communal life style and began to think how to regulate this new system.
- Ca. 5 thousand years ago "the remnants of the first civilisation = Sumerians invented the "script" and since then we have written documents about the development of consciousness systems.
- Sumerian scripts reveal that they had a 2-dimensional world view: their world consists of a flat earth like an inverted dish in an ocean. The space below this flat earth is called great below, which is thought also as 2-dimensional, "where dwell the underworld or chthonic deities". The space above the earth is called "great above", "where dwell sky gods". Accordingly, the Sumerian universe consists of three sandwiched layers; Heaven, Earth and Hell. The terms "heaven and hell" are cosmological parts of Sumerian thoughts.
- The ideas of Sumerians about the development of the world was so: As humans create bowls or knifes and are their proprietors, so world must be created by a much greater immortal creator, being its owner. In this manner each item must have one possessor: Sun god (Utu), Moon goddess (Inanna, sister of Utu), god of the sea, rivers and knowledge (Enki), Shepherd-king Dumuzi (who wed Inanna!), etc.. (Sumerian scripts reveal that at that time, human consciousness must be rather confused, because facts and fancy can't be distinguished (Kramer 1961, 1963). Their "gods" are "human-like" and arranged hierarchically similar to human families; those "human-like gods" creates "normal humans or slaves" for their personal services from marine clay; etc.) This kind of reasoning led to authoritarian hierarchy and ownership system development.
With time the consciousness level of humans improved further and they began to distinguish better between "fact and fancy". Many of the older ideas seemed unreasonable with time; but because of their dogmatic nature they couldn't call them in question; so were humans compelled to establish a new category of terms called "metaphysic" and put all those kind of ideas in this "drawer".
- Two dimensional world-view lasted until Newton'ian time, with some small changes, e.g. the border of the flat earth extended to Atlantic Ocean to the west, and India-China to the east. With the discovery of gravitational force, people began to develop a 3-dimensional consciousness system, where the world and solar systems are thought as spherical units. In the 3-dimensional universe, there was no place for "heaven and hell" of Sumerians; therefore they were put also in "metaphysic drawer". (In 2-dimensional consciousness system there is only one direction, where objects can stay: from bottom to top. They lack the gravitational consciousness, so that they thought, the earth can not be spherical, because the people on the reverse side couldn't stay there; they had to fall down! )
- In the last century the traditional cosmological ideas were changed too and evolutionary nature (4-dimensionality) of our universe was established and humans began to evaluate the time and life with quite new aspects.
Although the spherical nature of our world are taught in schools, the 2-dimensional concept is still very effective among human beings and the 4-dimensional consciousness system is still unfamiliar to humans.
The first written documents stem from Sumerians. According to their documents the social life has to be governed according to ca. 100 dogmatic me's, which are thought to be handed down to human by "divine forces, gods" via selected individual who are the representative of gods on the earth. Because we are living in a continuously changing and transforming world and the conditions in different parts of the earth show great differences at any given time, the dogmatic "divine orders" couldn't be applicable or interpretable in the same sense everywhere. So the human consciousness level changed and the old dogmatic me's were wholly or partly discarded by some tribes and new representative of god are thought to be sent to some tribes on the earth and new dogmatic rules were set (Old Testament). The changeovers in human consciousness continued and the dogmatic "divine orders" succeeded one another: New Testament, Last Prophet (Koran), and their different interpretations. In this manner social behaviour and thinking of humans are diversified continuously. Whereas they used the same technological knowledge and made huge improvements world wide in this field, they pulled to pieces in social life styles. Human consciousness level changed further with time and with "revolution française" the differences thought to exist between humans (like master - slavery) begun to disappear from social life style. With the onset of industrialisation begun to rise quite new problems because of existing inappropriate (dogmatic) social life systems. New social organisation systems are proposed to solve the problems: Marxism, socialism, liberalism, etc. worsened the existing diversity in social life systems which build the main hurdle in international understanding of today's.
The foregoing observations let us conclude that: houses, cars, etc. are wholly designed and constructed by humans, their creator(s) are only humans; humans and other animals and plants are wholly designed and constructed by their cells, their creator(s) are cells; cells are created by still smaller components, etc.. This system is called synergetic system.
While the creator(s) of humans (and of all other life beings) were their very small and therefore invisible cells, but humans have looked for a creator outside of their body, they couldn't detect a real creator. But there was order in nature and life and consequently and order-maker must be at work; that is why they have postulated or imagined "omniscient and almighty, hence authoritarian" creator(s). Assuming such a creator and order-maker, they are forced to accept authoritative social life organisations. And this was the main error the humanity fell into.
As outlined above, natural scientific researches reveal that the inhabitants of our body, "our cells", have their own "consciousness system", their own "language", and their own "books". According to their content, they construct our bodies and the consciousness system of our cells becomes the subconsciousness system of ourselves. We can conclude from these observations that the individual life of an human (or any other animals or plants) is wholly up to their cell-book! Consequently it is cell consciousness what drives the individual life, hence, it should be "human consciousness" that had to drive the social life. Our cells exactly know what they have to do under different environmental conditions. Their consciousness system is nearly perfect. But we human beings destined to build social life, our consciousness system is still far away from being perfect, because we don't know exactly how to build a quasi-perfect social life system. The reason is that our consciousness system has defects as described in the appropriate section below. Among those defects the most important ones concern the definition and understanding of "time, life and the governing forces of our universe". As outlined in the forgoing chapters, we are living in a continuously changing and metamorphosing universe, and time is the indicator of those changeovers. But this knowledge is not known among humans, because human consciousness system is still controlled by traditional "2-dimensional consciousness system", where "time" is an endless, continuously flowing system of unknown nature". Here is a table showing the main differences between the 2- (or 3-) dimensional (not evolutional) and 4-dimensional world-views (In Continuously Changing and Metamorphosing System).
In (2- and) 3-Dimensional Concept
In Continuously Changing and Metamorphosing System
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Main Components
Water, air, fire and earth
Subatomic particles and energy
Driving Force
Very big and mighty, but invisible and eternally living organism(s) (Creator)
Invisible energy waves or fields, penetrating and influencing all things. Energy is the glue of matter.
Inorganic material and living organism
On the order of the creators instantly
By continuous interactions of matter and energy in a space-time continuum
Time and life
Time is endless; and an eternal life in the “other world”
Matter and energy are in a continuing relationship and all things have restricted life spans flowing in one other, so that birth and death are only transitions from one form to others.
Metaphysical terms
Fairy, devil, demon, etc.
All phenomena are results of matter and energy interactions
Doesn’t exist
Exist both in organic and inorganic realm.
Body – mind relation
A soul transferred by creator into bodies of flesh and bones, eternal in the other world
Bodies are only a cover to the cells inside them; biochemical and biophysical interactions of the cells constitute the complex behavior of the bodies
Development and organization
From top to the bottom, or from entirety to the parts.
From parts to the entirety.
From leaders representing the divine force, the bureaucratic wheel is dependent to the leadership.
The development and organization must be from small to bigger social life units whereby all participants of a society must have a distinct job; by each integration new coordinators must be selected. The bureaucratic wheel is dependent to the smaller units.
People’s behavior
All people have to follow to the orders of the leader. They have to be passive.
Each professional in the society must have his own view and the whole society must act according to the cumulative value. “Self-assembly” factor of the nature forces the people to act in the direction of common interest. They have to be active.
Social rules
Social units
Ethnic groups
Professional components consisting of differentiated jobs
Brain development of people
Passive behavior leads to mutilation of neuronal connections, which is reflected in low level of life standards.
Active behavior leads to development of neuronal connections, which is reflected in high level of life standards.
Figure 9: Comparison of evolutional and non-evolutional world-views.
What is Life?
All matter in the universe are under the influence of different kinds of "energy". According to the "Second Law of Thermodynamics" all systems tend to run down and acquire a state of increasing disorganisation (entropy) unless energy is added to them. And the most effective "energy transformation and storage system" is called "LIFE".
The characteristics of life are described as: movement, responsiveness, growth, feeding, reproduction, release of energy, and excretion. But we have to add an other aspect to them: consciousness! Those peculiarities are seen in all life beings. If we consider these attributes altogether, we can see that all are the result of "energy storage and transformation system": movement is the main characteristic of energy, where energy there is movement; responsiveness is the result of energy transfer; growth is the natural result of "storage"; feeding is a kind of energy transfer from one kind of storage to another, as shown in figure of proteins; reproduction is the "delivery or handing over" of the "knowledge" of the "energy storage and transformation system"; release of energy and excretion are also consequences of thermodynamic rules by energy conversions. And finally consciousness is the ability to sense the changeovers in the living environment and to make the appropriate constitutional re-organisations in their bodies for a better adaptation to those changeovers. Consequently the definition of life as "energy (knowledge) storage and transformation system" is one of the simplest definitions of life. All our feelings and emotions are the results of energy transformations: when some things happen and we feel distressed or joyous, then some kind of energy is transformed from one form to another as shown in figure of proteins. Because the actions of "energy (knowledge) storage and transformation system" are also manifested as changes and transformations like in the evolution, all these terms "time, evolution and life" are very closely related concepts. Consequently "lives are evolutionary steps" and "evolution" is inherent in all life-processes. This is clearly seen in the life-cycle of all organisms as shown in the life cycle of humans in figure 2. (There are many kinds of life-spans: life-spans of cells, life-spans of individuals, life-span of a species, life-span of a genus, life-span of an order, etc.).
Now after the clarification of these concepts, we can turn to the problem of "social life" and look for a solution.
Solution of the Problem:
Because all life beings design and construct their "works" with "knowledge" obtained through life experiences, "Homo socialis" can and must design and construct both his technical and social works with "knowledge" obtained from the life experiences (researches, etc.). This is quite well done in technical area (incorporating all scientific data about the structure and organisation of matter beginning with smallest subatomic particles to ever greater units) and so is developed a new field of a science called synergetic; but not in social life organisation. In technical area all humans do exchange their "knowledge" and this led to a relatively high level of industrialisation, but in social life organisation each society insists on its own traditional knowledge; there are no signs of a cell-related life interpretations. Nearly all humans are still attributing their life activities to a "soul" being situated in their hearts and leaving the body after death. No role are given to the cells in the interpretations of life! As long as life doesn't interpreted with cells, the synergetic principles of nature will be violated and humans will not be able to establish a perfect ecological social life system because of this violation.
To continue:
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