What is Society

Why humans have difficulties in constructing a reliable social structure?

Bees have done it, ants have done it, corals have done it, bryozoans have done it. They all have perfect social organisations. Humans consider themselves as the most intelligent being among all creatures in the world, but they couldn’t establish a firm social structure yet. Why? The answer of this question will be given in the following chapter. Communal

All our actions are guided by our cells; these are our cells that store the huge information how to construct and maintain the order of our bodies. Cells are very dense packs of information gathered and stored during billions of years of tiresome efforts to monitor the changeovers around them. What change occurred first and what one followed them; in which order they follow each other; what must occurs first and what has to follow to get to this or to that results; who or what depends on others; etc. This kind of information storage are inherent in all beings and their information is stored in the material structure and composition of beings.. Therefore, the beings are changing their composition and structure according to their environments. That is the reason that a term “quorum sensing” was coined, to catch the attention that an organism is able to sense all factors for its basic existence and grow there.
The researches done in the last century revealed that that information is stored in structural-compositions of beings  (Kandel (2001)

i-                    indicating that the informational system in nature increases exponentially in integrative manner. Because the derivations of exponential functions remain always exponential, the information potential must have its roots at still smaller domains. The smallest domain is the subatomic realm. Hence the subatomic particles must have a basic information potential, being the source of all further developed informational levels.
ii-                  describing the time as results of changeovers

The integrative and exponentially growing nature of information development (Gedik, 1998) implies that information potential and processing of beings are evolving with time.  
Our bodies are designed, constructed and restored by their cells. Cells in their turn are constructed by still smaller components.
We humans are evaluating our world with our sensory organs. Our sensory organs consist of cells; and cells, on their turn, are evaluating their world with their organelles, consisting of different molecules, mainly proteins. Proteins are sensible to different factors: some act as switches turning on or off according to variations in temperatures, pressure, etc.; some others convert different kinds of energy into others, etc..
Molecules are made of atoms, and each atom has its own peculiarities. And lastly, all atoms consist of the same basic subatomic particles.
Chicken-egg relations and information flow between them get very important in that point. Because our cells control our behaviors, and they determine this control in accordance to data we deliver them with our sensory organs, we humans are wholly responsible for the appropriateness of their evaluations systems.

It is evident, that each system evaluates its surroundings with the same basic components described by physicists and chemists. That means that all life beings evaluate or measure their environments with the same measuring device! Therefore, there exist consensus on naturally occurring phenomena or objects.
Now lets look at the non-matching situations. Our cells are building their evaluation system in accord to the sensory inputs. There are many different culture and traditions among humans. Each one very different from the others. They are giving to their children their own culture and the brain-cells of their people are then networked accordingly.  That why humans cannot get agreements on some topics.

Humans consider themselves as being the only conscious life-beings on the Earth. But consciousness is a matter of relativity. The consciousness of a highly mentally retarded man is less then that of a dog. Therefore a clear-cut definition of consciousness is not feasible. When we define consciousness as: the fact of being aware of factors or forces acting or influencing on an item and its behavior according to them, then we have to accept that all kind of beings have their own consciousness level.
Make the following experiment: 
Take two minerals like that shown in figure (above). Then, rub the surfaces with emery paper and get round marbles of them, shown in figure (middle). When you hang these marbles of pyrite and quartz in a pot with solutions of very different chemical compounds, including the ions of pyrite and quartz; then after a due time, the rounded marbles grows to regular crystals of pyrite or quartz respectively (figure below).
This growth is not randomly. Each corresponding ion in the solution communicate with the bulk-crystal-material; sense the orientations of it’s crystallographic “a, b, c “axes, etc.; accumulate more at points where more damage to original crystal shape occurred, etc. Consequently, there is a mutual information exchange between the bulk-crystal-material and each single ion. Each single ion must go to a very precise point and attach itself just at that point. Hence there exist a mutualness and target-dependency of the informational waves.
As shown by crystallographic experiments, each molecule has the ability to sense the crystallographic structures in its environment and attach itself according to these data. In this process they use the wave and polarization characteristic of photons as communication tools.
That is not all of the existing informational wave systems. There is symmetry in all matters. In most minerals there exist a symmetry center. For example, the pyrite crystals have a symmetry center in their middle. But quartz crystal shown in figure above don’t have a symmetry center; that why, they must have another crystal twins being symmetrical to this one, like left-right hand symmetry. This is called enantiomorphism in crystallography. If a right-crystal developed at one place, then a left-crystal has to develop somewhere else!!!!   There fore, another kind of an informational wave for quartz crystals must exist in the environment, enabling the conservation of the symmetry. That is the entanglement at mineralogical level!!!
The velocity and polarization of electromagnetic waves in minerals are not uniform. As shown in figure at right, light propagate with different velocities in different directions, so that an ellipsoidal wave front establish. The polarization of light is different in different directions too. The results of these asymmetries are that the energy distributions within minerals get polarized. Because each mineral has a different crystallographic structure, there exist different kind of energy distribution anomalies. This give rise to the development of very different stress (or force) types in solid materials. The piezoelectricity or pyroelectricity of minerals is the results of this kind of polarities. E.g., the mineral tourmaline get electrically charged when the environmental temperature changes, as shown in figure at left.
In this manner, all kind of matters in nature are in mutual interactions with each other.
The most basic unit of interactions are photons being carrier of electromagnetic forces. When a photon encounter a matter, it activates the electrons at the outer shell of atoms or molecules; the energized electrons make first a jump to other orbits, re-emits another photon to its surrounding and then returns back. These movements of electrons lets vibrate the atoms or molecules. The vibrations of molecules lead to frictional forces; and frictional forces lead to temperature and pressure development! Temperatures or pressures are new kind of interactions being used only in upper-level system like atmosphere or oceans; for atoms or molecules they haven’t any meaning. 

We have to evaluate the different properties of minerals like piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, paramagnetism-diamagnetism, etc. in this respect: These new properties of minerals are transmitters of different force-fields to basic electro-magnetic force system.

Similar force or energy transferring systems exist in organic world too, as seen in figure at left. They show more diversifications.  

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